[APP][Pro] Magic Home LED

Found it myself:

exports.typeCapabilityMap = {
    'AK001-ZJ100'     : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation' ],
    'AK001-ZJ200'     : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'addressable', 'cold_white' ],
    'AK001-ZJ210'     : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'addressable'],
    'AK001-ZJ2101'    : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation'],
    'AK001-ZJ2104'    : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'AK001-ZJ2145'    : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'AK001-ZJ2147'    : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'AK001-ZJ2148'    : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'addressable', 'cold_white' ],
    'HF-LPB100'       : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'HF-LPB100-0'     : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'HF-LPB100-1'     : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'HF-LPB100-ZJ002' : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'HF-LPB100-ZJ200' : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ],
    'other'           : [ 'onoff', 'dim', 'light_hue', 'light_saturation', 'light_temperature', 'light_mode' ]

@ECKEROTH it’s weird as you mentioned that it worked on 3.3.13
I reveive my new magic home controller next week, then i’ll check for the proper implementation.

3.3.15 is the same as 3.3.13

Removed one RGB device and added it again. Found as a RGB SPI addressable controller AK001-ZJ200 but on on/off are working

Really strange. Because I reverted it :confused:
I get my new controller this week and will do some tinkering and testing and probably come with a proper update. :slight_smile:

@martijnpoppen reach out if you need testers :+1:t2:

Not yet. Still waiting for my 1-10 day delivery from Aliexpres :confused: :man_facepalming:
As soon as I get it I’ll try to fix the current issues with the app.

Hej Martijn

I think this is cool you made this app for us to use our cheap light things.

I was thinking do you want some UI design collab/help.
I’m already employed and stuff, this would be more like a fun little project for me.

if you think that could be interesting.
I made a little tester

you can contact me jeremie at roberrini dot com

Hey @JeremieRoberrini ,
Looks really nice!
But not feasible for me to work on.
Within Homey the designs are limited by Athom. And outside of Homey I don’t really see a use case now.

Oh okay,

Yeah I guess there is probably a lot of code limitations and stuff.

Maybe one day. We never know.

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@JeremieRoberrini Yeah there are like pre-defined templates for colors etc. So you program the functionality against that template.

Yes!! :crossed_fingers:

Hi Martijn,

Any progress on the AK001-ZJ200?

Just curious, because I will install and connect all led strips in my house the coming weeks.

Funny thing I noticed is that the color if set in the MH app is captured by the Homey app, because the background color is in sync appr. 10 seconds after it is changed.

Just let me know if there is any testing needed.


Hey @PV2134 ,
I got a controller myself.
Last friday it was finally delivered.
I already tried some things. But IT seems that the addressable led controllers are not listening to the library I’m using.
I also tried another library and got the same result.

I’ll tinker with it and report back here.

Hope that i can find something

New app update (test: 3.3.17):

  • FIX: rewrite part of library for addressable ledstrips like WS2812b
  • FIX: various fixes for different models: AK001-ZJ200 AK001-ZJ2148 HF-LPB100

I did make some changes to the library I’m using. It seems like that not a single Magic Home Library is supporting the SPI controllers. I made a small change to the library and I hope it’s a generic fix for all controllers. If not I have some ways to debug and test.

@PV2134 @ECKEROTH @Stan @DidierVU please test :slight_smile:

If your model is not working:

Go to the device settings > Select other > Restart the app.

Reference for above intruction:

Hi @martijnpoppen thanks for all your great (and fast) work.

It works for me (after app restart)! I have a AK001-ZJ2148 controller.

I can now set dim level and color.

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@Niels_Veldman Yes nice! :tada:
I got the AK001-ZJ2148 my self last week so had a good reference :smiley: .

Can you check if you’re able to set a predefined effect?

This card: (value = 1-300)

I cannot check myself my ledstrip was faulty when I got it. So waiting for a new one.

Should those predefined effects always work? I have NOT setup anything in Magic Home app.

It’s not working when I choose effect 1 or 56 and speed 50.
The other action card: Make own effect with color is also not working.

No problem for my situation, but if you need me to test anything or send report, please let me know.

@Niels_Veldman yeah I already expected that.

The SPI controllers have 300 predefined effects
Those are the RBM setting in the magic home app.

I’ll debug that too. Would be nice of that also works :slight_smile:

Tested today on 3.3.18 and unfortunately no changes on either my RGB and RGBWW strips.
Both using same ‘unknown’ controller:
MagicHue Controller

@ECKEROTH :frowning: that’s a shame

Are you able to test something?
If so I’ll send you the instructions in a DM

@martijnpoppen Sure :+1:t2: