[APP][Pro] Life360

It’s not just homey. HA has the same issue. And yes. Every brand can close their services. Homey and HA will always depend on it unless they make their own lights, sockets, thermostats, geofence and everything else . Brands close their api and we r fckd.

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Damn we r fckd

Horrible :frowning:

I thought this would benefit them also … but then supose tthey earn enough

So one again …. What would be the best alternative ?

I wish homey would finally expand their location options. Adapting range … setting locations perhaps.

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Ye, don’t expect too much from athom. They r busy with a shit load of other things like wifi stability, zwave stability, matter and thread.

I did get a similar message. I think they will get a lot less users if they behave like this.

U mean athom or life360 ?

Life360. I also spoke with dev of Homa assistant. Also there users send complaints to life360. They will probably also stop with the life360 implementation as they are also blocked constantly.

Weird huh ….

I supose they have enough users without domotica or something

I got the same response, So i installed owntracks for my phone, connected it to Homey using the MQTT broker app for homey, i am hoping this fix will work for now

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Hi there,

Thank you for your reply and I appreciate your patience about this matter.

We understand the importance of using the Home Assistant program with Life360. However, please be aware that we no longer support home automation programs such as Home Assistant, Google Home, Alexa, IFTTT, and others, and Life360 is no longer compatible with these programs.

Currently, we do not have any plans to reintroduce compatibility with these programs, but we appreciate your feedback, and I will share it to the appropriate team.

Have a safe day,

Life360 Customer Care

If you, like me, do like life360 and have paid for it.
You can pretty easily use Android automate and a webhook. Life360 always generates a notification when someone arrives or leaves. Use automate to intercept life360 notifications and the title of the notification is always the person arriving or leaving. I just filter if the message of the notification has “arrives at Home” or “left Home”. I send that using automate as a webhook to my homey. There I have a flow listening for the webhook and sets the user home or away. Works nicely!

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I would be interested. I use Life360 for a long time now.

Do you have an (automate) example flow :pray:

I love the idea but there are soooo many settings to get right, an example would spare me a lot of time :grimacing:


Great suggestion … not sure how to setup on iphone though … bit complex for my liking

  • Well you add the Notification posted block.
  • Set proceed to “when transition” and package to life360.
  • Then at Output variables I just used title for Title and message for Message.
  • Then that block connects to an Expression true block. Where I say :
    =contains(title, “NAMEOFPERSON”, “iu”). If it is not true, it then connect to the next Expression true block that checks for the next name. In my example there are three names ( so three Expression true blocks ). when the expression is true, I start a subroutine, but you don’t have to. You can just connect a HTTP request block with request method GET en request content type is Text. The Request Url is your webhook. Where I use the eventname as the name for the person and the tag is the message in the notification.

Does that help?

For some reason I am not allowed to upload images :frowning_face:

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I don’t know if iPhone has similar tools unfortunately.

Many thanks for the hints!

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What app are you using in homey?

No app at all…

I use Automate ( Automate - Apps on Google Play ) to send a webhook to homey:

https://webhook.homey.app/*your Homey ID*/AutomateFlow?tag=\{'Person': '{title}', 'Message': '{message}' , 'Time': '{dateFormat(Now, "datetime")}'})

And I have a Homey (advanced) flow that handles the incoming webhook. It contains a Homey Script block that generates tags that I use to set the presense of my family members:

// Webhook 'kuisen'
const emojiPattern = /[\u{1F600}-\u{1F64F}\u{1F300}-\u{1F5FF}\u{1F680}-\u{1F6FF}\u{1F700}-\u{1F77F}\u{1F780}-\u{1F7FF}\u{1F800}-\u{1F8FF}\u{1F900}-\u{1F9FF}\u{1FA00}-\u{1FA6F}\u{1FA70}-\u{1FAFF}\u{2702}-\u{27B0}\u{24C2}-\u{1F251}]+/gu;

const emojiJSONString = args[0].replace(/'/g, '"');
const parsedEmojiJSON = JSON.parse(emojiJSONString);

// Convert parsed JSON back to a string without emoji
const jsonStringWithoutEmoji = JSON.stringify(parsedEmojiJSON).replace(emojiPattern, '');

const JSonData = JSON.parse(jsonStringWithoutEmoji);

await tag('Owner', JSonData.Person.trim());
await tag('Message', JSonData.Message.trim());
await tag('Moment', JSonData.Time.trim());

return true;

I have an old phone that is sending the webhooks; if I use my own phone I won’t get the notifications of my own location.

I had the Connect Life360 app which was perfect, and did way more than only presense. I really miss that. But with this at least my presense detection is working again. I realy hope someone figers out how to bypass the API blocking Life360 is doing now, although I duobt we can ever use it again

Since I am owner of the homey, the location within homey works for me, so the webhooks are only for my other family members.
Btw, my advanced flow doesn’t even use homey script, so it can be done without programming…

Yeah, but Homeys presense doesn’t work reliable (for me) and Life360 is always working.

I use the script to get rid of the emojis, my logging mechanisme don’t like them :slightly_smiling_face: