[APP][Pro] Honeywell Evohome discussion topic

Hi all,

To facilitate further development of the Honeywell Evohome app, I’ve decided to transfer the app to another developer who can make the update to SDK3 and include more features, including pushing it to Homey cloud instead of only Homey Pro.

There is a new discussion topic, which can be found here: [APP] [Pro and Cloud] Honeywell EvoHome

Initially developed in 2017 for my own usage, the Evohome app quickly gathered a loyal userbase. I am happy for all the feedback I got.

I am confident @Mickel_Luiten will advance the Evohome app even further, he is already working on the new app for a few weeks, and it looks good!

Thanks again and see you in the new topic: [APP] [Pro and Cloud] Honeywell EvoHome


Big thank you to @ralfvd for all these years maintaining the app and support.



SDK3 version with some improvements.

Read the topic for the releasenotes [APP] [Pro and Cloud] Honeywell EvoHome