[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

Just some thoughts.
Hmmm… Why on earth would Homewizard ‘spoof’ MAC addresses. And only with your P1?

My P1 dongle’s MAC range also starts with

so, 3c:39:e7:23:35:14 is your real P1’s MAC (it has never changed here since day one (March 2021), and it’s on auto-update)


This is an Espressif MAC, widely used in iot devices. To me it seems you just seem to have mixed things up a bit.
And maybe it’s from the device’s wifi AP like Jeroen wrote:


I’ve heard of one device getting a different MAC address after a fw update:

Agreed, I don’t know why it whould/can/should change in his case (netgear?). Sounds more to me on a corrupt mac table in the netgear dhcp scope. I can only imagine to hardcode a certain scope of mac addresses (so indeed the start of the mac address xx:xx:xx) to make sure setup “detect” the device on a adhoc SSID what Homewizard uses. Being the “real” serial or a temporary “spoofed/fake” one during setup. Just keep P1 firmware small in size and avoid large mac vendor tables to map/control/restrict it. But that is just a thought or finding a reason for such behavior while it not being required.

What is have read on the Tweakers forum is that the P1 meter gets another MAC adress after the last firmware update.
So if you assigned a IP adress by the MAC adress it is not working annymore if the MAC adress has changed.
Maybe this has something to do with it.

Which firmware is that? This is new to me, can you point me to it so I can ask my contact at Homewizard?

Only to help out here this info.

Software 4.19
ID = MAC= 5C:2F:AF:00:E9:52

Ah, thx, Theo!
It’s not the Espressif MAC range user nogren was mentioning,
but Homewizard seems to have changed it to an owned range now?:

My P1 still has 3C:39:E7:… btw

Yes I am pretty sure my NetGear DUMAOS is not doing any fancy proxyarp stuff here. It is the p1 meter that got a corrupt mac address. Perhaps because mine used to be a remote testing device for the Swedish market.

But Jeroen; shouldn’t your app listen to the mdns messages from the p1, and match the serial number with the device in Homey, and change the ip address? I have not programmed any mdns software, yet, but I would expect it to be possible to do it like that. :slight_smile:
(Serial number or the advertised name, no difference for me before/after … unless they changed the advertised name of course… the serial should be the same… it’s my original mac address, as still mentioned in the Homewizard ios app.)

And yes, I believe I am on the latest p1 firmware, 5.14 (HWE-P1-G1)


It does hence asking. Homey does the mDNS detection and discovery. I only get a trigger card to update the details restart the polling. If this mDNS doesnt trigger at all then I am out of options.

To support the mDNS case I do use serial number.
Check this link on your own account and search your P1. In that section us a data.id which should match your serial.


Thanks, I can find my original serial number there, yes.
I have written to Homewizard support now as well with all the details.

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Will the app also work with the new HomeWizard battery?

If there will be an API available then yes of course. Not sure I will get my hands on a unit to test it but I will give it my best shot when they share the details how.

According to the bot, the home battery only works with solar panels.

Unfortunately, no “Dé thuisbatterij voor iedereen”. (“The home battery for everyone”.)

Requirements says needs P1 to work with it. Obviously to active the charge/discharge mode the battery based on what the P1 detects on energy going back to the grid.
Further API will be read only, so my app will only be able to show what the battery has to report. Anything to adjust mode (charge/discharge) will be not “open” yet.

No reply from Homewizard, but they pushed a new firmware (5.16), and my p1 meter is now back to its original mac address.

5:44:20.903 p1meter-233514._hwenergy._tcp.local. can be reached at p1meter-233514.local.:80 (interface 6)
serial=3c39e7233514 product_type=HWE-P1 product_name=P1\ Meter path=/api/v1 api_enabled=1

So that means that there is something in the mdns handling in Homey, since I now got a new (old) IP, and cannot reach it. :frowning:

Restart my app

Yes, I should have done that, before removing the p1 device from Homey, and attempting to add it again.
Could be something in your app in handling this still, since I had to restart your app, before it could find the device again, to add it…

@johan_W thanks for your donation :heart:

is there some development for gas usage by day ?

like water and electric ?

i would like that because of my touch screen where i see all my usage in one view

keep up the good work :smiley: thanks for your app so far

Get the “Power by the hour” app from our other great developer here on the forum. It does exactly that. Pointless for me to invest time and effort in to something that works perfectly together.