[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️


I’ve sent my API point of contact with HW an email if he has more info on roadmap for those.

Sounds good :blush: , let’s hope they can fix it

Yeah I hope so too, if not I will return your donation as it doesnt feel fair if I cant add it for you.

They will fix it but dont have a proper timeline yet so bare with me till they do.


Hi all,

I am Duco, developer at HomeWizard. Thanks for reporting the issue about mDNS and the quick heads-up towards us. We have discovered the issue and implemented a fix, the latest firmware (5.05) will be rolled out shortly to the devices that are running 5.04. Your device should be updated within 48 hours.

If you want to update your 5.04 device now, you can select ‘Settings’ → Meters → P1 Meter → ‘…’ → Check for updates.


Great news Duco, thanks for dropping by sharing the update. :+1:

The update solved the issue. Working great!
Thank You!

Strange. The latest firmware of my P1 meter is 4.19 and there are no updates available.

You are probably on the main stream and not the betw/test stream.

Also , the app is showing watt not Amp on L 1,2,3

Maybe this also is missing in Api , and voltage of course :blush:

With the v3.2.22 app some of my devices go either offline (when they are not according to homewizard app), and some report power values when not being used at all (fi powerplug washing machine). My report for debugging is 70e4cb2b-7abd-4eac-ba3f-c0208cde5b9c
I’ve now updated to the latest beta, see if that fixes things by coincidence

Hi Marco,

Well I see wifi / connection issues and your energy meter gives weird readings maybe due to corrupted json payloads Homey pulls.

2024-01-19T11:42:29.325Z [err] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:energy] [Device:69de3e8c-4532-4c88-9afa-ece18ab266b6] SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

2024-01-19T11:42:29.711Z [err] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:energy_socket] [Device:eeea40a5-99e6-4ebf-ab13-6d2aec63c282] FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
at ClientRequest. (/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1491:11)
at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:526:28)
at Socket.socketErrorListener (node:_http_client:442:9)
at Socket.emit (node:events:526:28)
at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:157:8)
at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:122:3)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
type: ‘system’,

Will look in to it. Just got new information from the developer so I’ll have to update my code.


That’s typical as I do not encounter wifi issues when accessing the “offline” device with the homewizard app…

That communication is cloud based and has nothing to do with the direct polling every 10s between Homey and every Homewizard device.
But the log definitely points to connection issues. A json payload that is broken (ie. Json message lacks brackets or lines) gives me proof the connection is dropped or disconnected/broken.

Check the first post in this ticket for troubleshooting tips.

EDIT: my guess your Homey maybe has wifi issues, move it or see how you can improve wifi stability. (try ping test for a long run (1 hour?) to see if ping is dropped, same for P1 and/or energy sockets.

Okay Jeroen, for the sake of troubleshooting I will perform some network stability tests.
Just recovered from another glitch. After restarting the homewizard app in homey, things return to normal.
Screenshot homewizard ;

Screenshot homey ;

Restart app;

Sorry Marco but I try to help/think what might the problem, okay?
I have no clue how everyone has their wifi or network has been set up.
I can only judge on what is said/experienced and what potentially is captured in the logfile. The rest is a black box for me. I do this voluntarily and pure hobby driven. Just read this topic you can see there are other users that almost share the same experience, yet have different problems or causes. Being routers, access points, firmware updates of devices.
I try my best here but also could not care and spend more time with my family.

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Jeroen, please dont feel/see my report as an insult to your efforts! I know and realise there are many variables, certainly when a device is wifi connected. So please be aware, your efforts are deeply appreciated.
A quick ping to my Homey the last half hour from a laptop showed me
Packets: Sent = 1948, Received = 1946, Lost = 2 (0% loss),
2 packets lost seems negligible.
I will investigate further. Pinging the powersockets and P1.

Energy socket:
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1609, Received = 1604, Lost = 5 (0% loss),

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1258, Received = 1255, Lost = 3 (0% loss),

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Your choice of words “for the sake of troubleshooting” that sounded wrong to me. But fine thanks for responding to correct my feeling.