[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

Ok what kind of router do you have?

I need to add that to the code.

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Ubiquity UDM

My P1 stopped working just at the same time 11 CET.

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Hm, maybe it is the firmware HomeWizard pushed:

Mine is connected to Ubiquity UDM Pro

Mine is not, have an opnsense router with Unifi accesspoints.

I have checked my router settings and there are no broadcasting restrictions activated.

So mDNS not working makes finding it hard for Homey.
See if you can make the old ip static for the P1 what it was (click on red marker in P1 it will throw error and ip address). Reserve that address in your UDM and it should get back up in Homey.

Raised a support ticket with Homeward but don’t expect a solution soon.

Click on red triangle only tells it is not available.

I looked into the routers disconnected devices and found the “old” device. I can not see old ip but what is confusing me is that the “new” P1 and old P1 have different MAC. How is that possible?

That must be the reason that the leased IP not is working.

They stopped the current rollout for this firmware 5.04. Cant tell more for now as they have to investigate.

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Ok, thank you for the update.

I found out the old IP and changed it but it did not make any difference in Homey.

Then I am out of options as well. Downside of test/beta firmware P1 user.
Got the same problem (no mdns traffic from P1).
At least homewizard dev team is made aware.

It would be great if you could find the time and energy to do that :grin::blush::blush::blush:,will send some money

Oh I will, thx a lot for your paypal donation. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Could you do me one favor and share me the API output of your SDM630 to be sure that I get all the right data from the voltages? I dont have the kwh meter myself so not sure if I get it right.

Take a browser and enter (replace the x.x.x.x with your kwh ip address) http://x.x.x.x/api/v1/data


Hm no voltage there yet. What firmware is your SDM630?

Seeking activate_voltage_l1_v etc

|active_voltage_l1_v|Number|The active voltage for phase 1 in volt|
|active_voltage_l2_v|Number|The active voltage for phase 2 in volt|
|active_voltage_l3_v|Number|The active voltage for phase 3 in volt|

Newest firmware , i did copy all the info that i got from the link.

Maybe api does not cover voltages ?

Yeah seems the API does not have the voltages (yet).
This is the documentation I checked:

Maybe sent a support ticket when the voltages will be rolled out in API?