[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

Right, I meant that the other devices (Vthermo, group and probably others) do not see the HA sensor capability.

With too long, I assumed that these other devices seem to look for just measure_temperature so they cannot pick up the sensor value

Yes, thiks could be a reason.
So your device (HA app) is showing all data of your entities, right?

Then it seems the other apps are only using capabilities (measure_temperature) and not subcapabilities (measure_temperature.xxx).
As default, manually added entities are added as subcapability with entity id as suffix to keep then unique if you add more than one temperature entity.
If you need a main capability, you can check this option while adding or just select a capability from the list. Changes for added capabilities are not possible afterwards.

This needed for example for power entities to show up in Homey energy overview.

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Tested some with Vthermo, but not shure what Vthermo f.i. considers as “other devices”:
Screenshot from 2023-05-16 16-31-44

I’ve tried several things, HA device with measure_temperature as main capability, even with an Adv.virtual device, with class=sensor and class=thermostat, but Vthermo does not respond.

When I move a real Aqara temp sensor into the zone, Vthermo picks the temp up right away…

Maybe asking the devs of Vthermo and Group what’s the criteria for a device with a measure_temperature capability to be valid.

I see similar things.
Group works perfect: it catches the temperature of the Hue sensor now as main capability.

However, the Vthermo does pick up the temperature of the Hue sensor, but not the right value. Sensor is 25.8C and the Vthermo sees it as 26.20C in the same zone if the sensor is the only temperature sensor.

When I add the Temperature Sensor Group showing 25.8C to the same zone as the sensor and the Vthermo, then the Vthermo jumps to 25.8C

Perhaps @balmli or @Jamie know better how this works





I think “Other devices” is when for example a device from advanced device capabilities (AVD) is being used: it is by default defined as “other device” and could have a termperature capability. I left it our of the comparison for simplicity.

I found the reason that the media cover is not shown.
Athom only allows https URLs for media source. If the HA server uses http instead (in app settings), the URL is rejected. If you arre using https, it should work.

I tested with a local access (http via IP) and real domain (DynDNS on Domain name with https and reverse proxy to forward to http internally).
With https URL I get an image.

I can’t do anything as Athom/Homey/SDK only supports https :man_shrugging:

So someone is lucky when https images are available?
I wonder why the media player @basvanderploeg uses creates no https internet link, but mine does…
f.i. https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b2738e878249892f5f5de81dd706
I guess it’s like you said alr, Ronny, each integraton has it’s own ‘rules’ so to speak

I think mine doesn’t show the url because the HomePod (Apple TV integration) source is serving the image as bytes, in stead of an online file, like your Spotify example.

@Peter_Kawa @basvanderploeg
I have another integration (chromecast) that has a local and a global URL.

I’ll check if I can download the image and update the device image from this bytestream if it’s a http url.


I just added a climate device (AC) to Homey via this app.
Two questions arise:

  1. I can select some options in the list as heat or heat and cool. but this has no function. is it possible to ‘hide’ those options?

  2. I can see you can only set static or swing via a flow call. Isn’t this possible to add to the device card?
    When no, does someone have an idea how to implement this in a simple wat to change the static or swing state?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Yes, you can:

An alternative might be to “build” the AC device yourself, by adding a “Custom device”. Then you can add anything you’d like, and leave out what you don’t need :wink:


In this case you don’t get the basic AC features (buttons, flow actions), only sensors, buttons or switches and you have to call every servive via flow by yourself.
So better start with the AV device and add additional sensors/buttons via repair view.


Short answer: It’s not possible due to static mode elements in Homey (SDK).

Longer version:

  • Mode capabilities must be defined in the app and the value list is fixed (predefined in app definition)
  • It’s not possible to adjust mode lists at runtime
  • Mode lists visible in the device view are defined corresponding to the entity/domain definition of HA. That are the standard values every integration can/should use.
  • If your intagration defines custom mode lists, they can’t be shown in device view due to fixed mode list in Homey. Only way to use such dynamic value lists are autocomplete elements in teh flwo cards. There the app can show dynamic mode lists based on the entity.
  • So you can only use such custom mode lists in flow action cards.

To switch modes from the device view, I would suggest to use Peters suggestion:

  • add a helper button to HA without any automation
  • add this button to your Homey devive via repair view
  • create a flow, add the button as trigger, add the mode selection card and select the custom mode
    This way you can select the mode on a button click.
    You need one button for every mode you want to select.
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Thanks you both!

I managed to add one button, but when I try to add a second button I get an error:

“Capability already exist.”

EDIT: Nvm. I needed to use a sub button, so button.airflow

Edit: Ah I see you alr figured it out :smile:

While you already used button, you probably need to give the “Capability” field a unique name, like, button.fan_auto.

just a suggestion…

While adding an entity you don’t need to change the preset capability name. That’s only needed for special purposes, e.g. if you really a main capability to recognize this capability by other apps (Homey energy) or if the entity has no device type and you want to add a measure_temperature instead of measure_numeric.
In this case it’s easier to activate the “main capability” checkbox.

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HowTo: Use capabilities in converter routines

While tinkering with my PV inverter data I want to give you an example how to calculate values using other capabilities in the calculation.

I have a device with 4 sensors (voltage 1+2 and current 1+2).
In addition I want to get the power in Watt as capability without the need of other virtual devices or flows.

I just add the voltage sensor again. This way the capability gets updates every time the voltage changes.
Then I add a converter where I read the current capability in addition.

(value) => { return Number(value) * this.getCapabilityValue('measure_current.sensor.fronius_pv_current_dc_2') }

value is the value of the added sensor. this.getCapabilityValue( ) is reading the other capability.
If you don’t know the capability name, you can easily copy the name in change entity view.


It’s also possible to use capabilities from other devices (from this app, here from the same device type/driver).
Get the device ID from https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/devices and use this code with your device ID and capability name:

(value) => { 
  return Number(value) * 
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If I add an AND card for a temperature sensor that has multiple numeric values (temp, humidity, pressure) I can only select numeric or textual. How can I use the value of temperature in my AND card?
Screenshot 2023-05-27 at 13.41.25

Hi, there are only conditions for the main capabilities - the capability added for the device on pairing.
Further capabilities addey manually or in settibäng don’t provide condition cards yet.

But you can use standard logic cards and the global tags listed for the device.
I haven’t checked in detail but these capabilities should provide tags, too.

@RonnyW thanks for the app ! I’ve tried to use the call service functionality to play sound on a HomePod. It is working however, it is showing up an timeout error after executing. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?