[APP][Pro] Google Services - App for Translate and new Text-to-Speech for any device with url input

OK, I made the flow send a notification with the local variables [Text] and [URL]

Screenshot from 2022-11-07 19-13-20

This is returned:

As you can see in the flow (shown in my previous post), I use the [text] var in the ‘Cast audio URL’ card and it works.

Why don’t you just try my flow for yourself, instead of theoretical thinking how it should work?

Imported the TEF, but it doesn’t do anything on my Mini…

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Is there any way you can download th4e file from the url, save it to LAN and send the url (as correct .mp3 url) to the Mini to test if it works than?
I need to know what is wrong, because it’s nothing about the Google Service App perse, and im willing to build in another webserver to host the file, but only if i know that’s the solution.

That’s really odd. I did nothing special. Just added the TTS device, created the flow, entered ‘Diner is ready’ manually.

@Arie_J_Godschalk I changed the text in the flowcard “Start saying”, and the “URL triggered” card produced the following URL, it works when played in Firefox:

Not sure what is going on, but now the url works for me as well! :thinking:

I can just use the TTS device or cast the url directly now:

Using the text tag does not work though, but that’s expected IMO.

Just missing an option to set the language/speed/volume/speed etc.

None of the related apps were updated, which is weird.
Maybe just a temporary Google or network issue…


But you are better off creating one trigger flow with the triggered card.
Then you only need one flowcard for speech instead of those two.

Thanks! But I think for now I’ll just keep using the Google TTS app, since I just need it for very basic TTS in some specific scenario’s/text… :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I didn’t know yet it worked with just those 2 cards :stuck_out_tongue:.
For me it works fine with the text tag

Screenshot from 2022-11-09 15-59-50

When I use the URL tag, it speaks the text twice :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Can you share a flow screenshot, please, I don’t follow you here?

Well Peter, i think because the sending the Text will not work, how could it?
So, appareantly, you still have a flow somewhere with a Url Triggered card that cast to your chromecast.

That is, in my eyes, the only explaination for what you are writing.

Ah :face_with_spiral_eyes:, good point: That will be my first GS standard test flow . Did not realize it ‘listens’ to all url’s getting triggered.
Now I get why it spoke twice when I selected the URL tag instead of the Text tag.
So after disabling it, it works only with the URL tag.
Way to confusing to me.
I just now realize I can, and have to, add a TTS device for every Chromecast device I use. B/c I saw your TTS device is in zone Woonkamer and is called TV Bar TTS.

So I think I now know how this app works :upside_down_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Indeed, as is writen in my PA announcement topic: best is to create one tts device per speaker, and configure it for the best sound for that speaker.
Then set one url-triggered for each tts.

Ofc, if you use sonos like me, you might want one tts per zone and work with grouping etc.

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That does work via the chromecast app, it does send Testing Testing to my Nest Mini and speech happens

And ty the same url but remove the .mp3 from the end which i added?

Does it not work again?

If I use

https://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&q=Testing testing.&tl=en-GB&total=1&idx=0&textlen=16&client=tw-ob&prev=input&ttsspeed=1&

It still works


This works as well

So I can have the text created using a non cloud device and then sent to my nest mini speaker via the Cloud TTS device and can change the voice, pitch and speed

Sorry there was meant to be an extra then box at the end with the chromecast, used wrong screenshot

New in Google Services test.

BLL coding support:

Example 1

This will result in a Afrikaans voice saying (in Afrikaans): “Hello there, today it is thursday 10 november 2022.”
The date is automaticly build upon the selected voice-language.

Example 2


This will result in a Dutch voice saying (in Dutch): “Hello there, today it is thursday 10 november 2022.”

Example 3


This will result in a Dutch voice saying (in Dutch): “Hallo daar, vandaag is het donderdag 10 november 2022 om 20:17:01 Midden-Europese standaardtijd.”
Translation: “Hi there, today is Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 20:17:01 Central European Standard Time.”

Other coding

Or you can use other datecodings, see the BLL Users Topic for more information on coding.

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I used the app “google sevice” a long time. It works great. But i now installed the v1.9.24 and now i get the message “starting google service error: [object object]”.

Do you know what it is?

Hey @Pieter_Pessers,

It might be the inclusion of the Better Logic Library app (which is optional, not required).

Send me a diagnostic please?

Okay, my bad, there was a bug when BLL is not installed. This is resolved in the current/new live version.
Update to 1.9.25 and it should works as always.

Ofcourse, install the BLL app, and you will get some nice features in the google service app. :wink:

Thank you, Arie. Installed v1.9.25 and got the same problem. Also “starting google service app error: [object object]”. Where can i find the BLL library"

It’s the Better Logic Library App.
And i ofcourse would love it if you installed BLL, but i would also very much like it if you could install 1.9.26 first, and tell me what the error message is now (it should not be object object anymore).
It’s live now.