Other voice on sonos

I have a few sonos speakers wich I use for music and also announcements with better logic.
But the voice used by the sonos app is not that clear.
Most of the times it says something I cannot understand what it says.

Is there a way I can use another voice on the sonos speakers?
I know the sonos say app, but it is a little complicated. Hope there is another way the use another voice.

Have a look at the Google Services app, works great with Sonos.


Thank you, I will take a look at it.
I can still use logic in the text to speech with this?

With the Homey build in logic it works, yes.
Don’t know if it works with BL.

Yeah, everythink should work just fine after you know/read how to use it :wink:
I made Google Services precisly for that: replacing the default voices and also create a default voices for the house that plays the same on every system (Sonos, TV’s, Google Mini’s, etc).

This is a great solution, the voices are perfect.

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