[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - For Users

BLL Coding

BLL codings are expressions within text-arguments in flowcards.
In every App that supports BLL coding, for each text-argument in flowcards that goes through the BLL decoder, you can use {[ expression ]} .

Within these expressions, you can use build-in modules, functions and your own customisable functions.


  • _
    Lodash 4.17.21
  • math
    Math.js 11.3.3

The last one is: {[ _.last(["1", "2"]) ]}.
The last one is: 2.

Build-in functions

date(format, date?, locale?, timeZone?)
This method will return the current date(time) in the entered format, with respect to the user defined locale (language) en timezone.
Optionally you can supply the date(time), locale and/or timeZone.

Today is a {[ date("dddd") ]}
Today is a donderdag

Date codings: