[APP][Pro] Google Services - App for Translate and new Text-to-Speech for any device with url input

Did you setup a voice in app settings?

Yes, the very catchy one, af-ZA-Standard-A (FEMALE)

The copied JSON file is massive, the private key is many lines long.

I don’t have a Google Cloud Project (for translate) name entered as I’m not translating anything, also don’t have google API for Youtube as I’m not doing that yet

Dont know if this is helps but 04849596-977b-4171-b8e4-be9183d6112c

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Hey, where are you from?

Since you can select a voice from the list, everything should already be alright.
You only get a list of voices after the JSON file is correctly entered and you project is valid.
Actually, as soon as the list or voices is shown, it should just work.

Straigns thing is, in the diagnostic, it showed that your voice is undefined when the Url is requested.

So either its not correctly saved (open settings, if the voice is shown, it’s saved).
Or your flowcard has a non-empty-but-empty voice added to it?

Show me your flow?
Because the error seems to be between the flowcard and what it sends to Homey.

I’m from the UK


Okay, next time, place it in a preformated-text-block, so the quotes and other chars remain programing code :wink:
But thanks

Yeah, i really love this!

You have the wrong flowcard, you are just retrieving an Url, not starting speech.

Here you go, try this.

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Sorry Arie, just getting to try this now and, while the flow is created, I am getting the exact same error with the new card as with the old. Whe importing the flow I did tell Device Capabilities app to replace TTS Sonos 1 (I don’t have any Sonos) with Google Cloud TTS device

Quick question: I am trying to use basic TTS on a Google Mini, without having to setup a Google Cloud account.

Is this how it is supposed to work?

Unfortunately that doesn’t here (no response on mini), although a TTS card using the “Google TTS” app does work fine (but the app seems to be abandoned). The generated url looks valid.

This does not work either here:

Try the URL on your PC or phone (LAN)?
Does it work?

Yes, on my PC it works fine from Chrome.
Does that mean that it’s a Chromecast App issue then? Not sure if the TTS App that still works uses a different method?

Might be yeah, can you share the lasts part of the url?

Full url:

Yeah, i think thats not gonna work with Chromecast, it needs an correct extention (mp3 in this case).
I might have to build somthing in for that.


If you send that URL to chromecast yourself, does it work?

and, try this URL for a moment please?
https://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&q=Testing testing.&tl=en-GB&total=1&idx=0&textlen=16&client=tw-ob&prev=input&ttsspeed=1&.mp3

No, that one does not work.
I think I have a Nest Mini btw, may be different from other minis around

Do you know what might be wrong, @Peter_Kawa ?

This makes my mini talk; just enter what you’d like to hear by speech:

It really speaks the words “Diner is ready”



 not sure how that could work. The text tag you use for casting contains the initial text string “Dinner is ready” as far as I can tell?

Maybe the original repo holds a clue how the Google TTS app does this:

Maybe it generates an mp3 and streams that locally?