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A big shout out to @Frank_Hooft for providing me access to his FYTA account! Thank you!
My idea:
As soon as a plant reports that it has too little light, I would like to switch on a Hue Spot.
If the light is sufficient, then switch it off again.
Can anyone help me with the implementation?
Which card do I need to use? Which values do I need to enter?
How do I connect to fyta? Does it have to be on the same network as the homey? I have a segregated network.
Update: Got FYTA hub on the same network as homey, but I still cannot add the beams.
I think I discovered an edge case with the app.
If you ever need to add a new beam, the process of authing revokes the token/session for any existing beams in your homey. This is really inconvienent if you add beams on a regular basis. Is there any way you could add reauth workflow in order to repair the session without having to delete and re-add the beams?
When I add a second device, the log is showing a different session ID (source), but when the device is added, the already existing session ID is used. See the logs below and the source.
Why do you think it revokes the session when adding a second device? Can you show me some logs?
<< First device is already added >>
2024-09-11T22:17:20.427Z [log] [App] [Client] [c:default] [s:eb41c620-09de-409b-8338-2666a4402b75] Initialized << Pairing second device >>
2024-09-11T22:18:25.254Z [log] [App] [Client] [c:default] [s:c33c6ced-fa3c-4032-af4e-a887bee27f1d] Initialized
2024-09-11T22:18:25.256Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:xxxx] Multi-Session disabled. Selected eb41c620-09de-409b-8338-2666a4402b75 as active session.
2024-09-11T22:18:26.459Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:xxxx] Pairing devices << Adding second device >>
2024-09-11T22:23:30.112Z [log] [App] [Sync] Started
2024-09-11T22:23:30.118Z [log] [App] [Client] [c:default] [s:eb41c620-09de-409b-8338-2666a4402b75] GET /my/device/details
i say this because the moment i add a new beam. the other beams session no longer worked. thats what the exclamation points in my screenshot are indicating. and theres no way to fix them or reauth from what i can tell. deleting readding is the only fix. i was able to reproduce this behavior. when adding a beam and logging into fyta, the already added beams break.