[APP][Pro] Strava app

Update your Strava weight settings after stepping of your smart scale? Fancy warmed bathroom after exercise?

This App can start flows on your Homey as soon as an activity is created, modified or deleted on Strava. See the available ‘When…’ and ‘Then…’ cards below.

The App also shows your calculated Athlete and Activity metrics on the device capabilities page for cycling, running, walking, weight workout and training activity types. You can configure the amount of days history to show in the advanced settings of your added Strava device.

Please let me know if you have any findings or wishes on GitHub or in this thread.

Live App Store: Strava App voor Homey | Homey
Test App Store: Strava App voor Homey | Homey

Details on how to use: GitHub - ThaYoung1/com.thayoung1.strava

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Pls clarify where the strava app is.

Are you the developer?

Yes, it is in review right now at Athom. I thought I had to add the link to the community forum already upfront that’s why I created this post already.

I will add the extra info about the App later. In short: The app makes it possible to add Strava users to Homey and receive webhook events which will trigger a flow.



I have been trying to set this up. Api setup is finished and verified, but i am stuck on the login page for strava. Nothing happens. For your information, I am using the FB login, but nothing happens at all when clicking login.

Hi Rune,

Some things to check;

  • restart your Homey and try again
  • try adding your Strava account on your desktop/laptop instead of your phone by visiting https://my.homey.app

If none of this works, please send me a message with the device operating system your are trying to add the Strava device on.

Would it be possible to add the YTD totals as well? They seem to be available in the api
The month total is sometimes not what I need to keep going :slight_smile:

Hey Jan_Peeters,

Nice feature request.

I already did look into it earlier and saw that the Strava documentation states that ytd_* stats are only calculated for activities visible to ‘Everyone’ as you can see in the API method description below.


Zooming into that, I see that my activities shared with ‘Everyone’ and ‘Followers only’ are being used for the calculation by Strava. So that seems to be faulty documentation at Strava. Nevertheless, activities which are only visible to you will not be taken into account in the ytd_* calculations at Strava.

So to get your ytd_* stats in a right way, I will have to calculate them by getting all activity details from all activities regardless of privacy settings from the 1st of this year untill now. That’s possible, and I will implement this in the near future.

By the way: did you know you can configure the default month period to a number of days of your choice? You can do that in the device settings screen. You cannot achieve YTD with that (or you need a flow which configures the Strava device on a daily basis :sweat_smile:).

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Update available: Strava App voor Homey | Homey.

Wil be released on the production channel in a couple of days;

Would one be able to set notification based on time spend / kilometers ridden on gear?
Like, if I do 300km, it is time to swap chain.

Hi Gudi,

Nice new feature request. I have added it for a future release on GitHub (New flow action card for gear usage · Issue #15 · ThaYoung1/com.thayoung1.strava · GitHub). You can expect it in a couple of weeks.


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Just gave this feature some inspection and have the following results;

  • You can add/edit/remove your gear (bikes & shoes) on Strava.com website (not by using the App)
  • You can add/edit/remove components to bike-gear but cannot set alerts on bike-gear or bike-gear-component level
  • You CANNOT add/edit/remove components to shoe-gear but CAN set alerts on shoe-gear based on distance
  • Strava exposes (bike- and shoe-)gear with the kilometers used via its API
  • Strava does not expose component data

Knowing that, I can create a flow card which runs when gear-distance extends a certain configured amount. For example; when you have ridden 1.400 km on your bike, the flow card will be triggered.

Does this solve your challenge?

Thanks for diving into the details.

For me personally I have several bikes, so for me this could be perfect:
Bike 1, mileages +300km, notify
Bike 2, mileages +600km, notify

If possible
Bike 1, 100 hours spend, notify
Bike 2, 200 hours spend, notify

And then they simply keep notifying based on the milage alerts.

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Hi Gudi,

There is an updated version (1.6.0) of the App available on the test-track. Strava App voor Homey | Homey

This version contains a new ‘And’ flow card which you can use to test gear usage exceedings for kms as well as hours.

Can you test and see if it works for your case?

Thanks for the update. Much appreciated.

Setting a certain exceeded kilometer threshold is doable. Though it would require multiple cards with the starting distance for the gear and then adding +300km to each card.

I’m wondering if I can:

  • set a point in time (date or starting kilometers)?
  • have my event reoccur every 300 km, to avoid adding multiple cards, each with a number incremented by another 300 km?

I can’t see the total hours spent on gear on Strava, so I think one needs to be able to set a start date for the timer to count from. Either that, or a timer shown at a certain time in the app for me to add to cards afterwards with a value of “starting time spent + 100 hours” and another for +200 hours.

Hope my feedback makes sense. Once again thanks!

I just tried to add two flows, one with 20 hours spent and another for 1000 hours spent. They both validated, and I’m sure I haven’t spent 1000 hours on that bike! :blush:

But like I wrote before, I think I need the ability to add + 300 to the reached target, and then have it repeat. Otherwise I’ll always get a notification based on a previous reached distance. Unless there’s a better way to build it.

Kilometers seem to be working; I tried different limits, and when I go above the bike’s mileage, it cancels the flow.

Hi Gudi,

Thanks for testing. I will look into the timing problems and think about how to create the incrementals in kilometers/hours.

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Thanks for a fantastic app.Would it be possible to get a tag for type of run? Would like to create a flow when my activity is a race.

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@John_Henrik I don’t use the app so I can not test it what kind off active ties you can choose. Maybe you can pick a Logic card with the AND and the choose the logic card “Is exactly”…

Hi @John_Henrik,

Thanks for liking my App :slight_smile: and thank you for the good idea.

I have investigated your request and can conclude that I can add the tag for type of run and type of ride. For runs it would expose one of these values:

  • None
  • Race
  • Workout
  • Long Run

For rides this would have one of the following values:

  • None
  • Race
  • Workout

I have added new flow arguments for the rides and runs and it will be released in a couple of days (version 1.6.1).

I have fixed the bug with the amount of hours for now and it will rollout soon (v1.6.1).

The solution with incrementals will be developed later because that’s a bit more time consuming.

For now I have the idea to add a settings page to the App in which you can add the value for hours/kilometers to start checking AND the interval per gear. The App wil then update the valuie for hours/kilometers to start checking as soon as the limit has been reached and a new flow action card will then be added.