[App][Pro] FlightRadar24

Hi, have I broken something ? Flight Enters area is not fired anymore, despite I see Flights in the area being updated. Diag. - eaaeec4f-e571-4777-8a7c-f3d94e3d9b19

I have simple flow just to update Simplelog but it stopped working on 13.8.

Any idea, what could be wrong or anyone else has this problem suddenly ?

You sir are very pushy. I was on vacation. Please take into account community apps are mostly maintained on own free time by contributors, for free (except people making donations :wink: ).


I couldnā€™t find time for a proper fix yet, Iā€™ve disabled the picture of planes on the flow cards for now and will try to figure out the fix later. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Why donā€™t the flows work? I can see in the devices that there has been a plane. It is at 10km range. homey 2019

Did you update the app to v1.3.8 already

Try updating to the latest version, 1.3.8 has the fix Iā€™ve mentioned, it should be auto updated soon I guess

Yes i have the last update.

Advanced flow can i make maybe works that?

Shall be this problem resolved as well ? Seems also after update there is no change for meā€¦ better reporting again, thank you :+1:

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I see I have an older version without the fix marked as 1.3.8, and the fix also in a later version marked with 1.3.8. the version with the fix has 0 installs, it seems homey is confused in this scenario. I will generate a new version number tomorrow, the flow should be working then.

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@Emiliano_Quetimporta I just see in my timeline that the Flightradar app has been automaticly updated 45 minutes ago to 1.3.8.
Automatic updates is on all the time.

On the card there are 10 flights today with the last seen flight 3 hours ago.
Not on the timeline.

HI @Emiliano_Quetimporta , I sent you debug, the ENTER flow trigger unfortunately still doesnā€™t work. Let me know if I can help anyhow to troubleshoot it eventually, even eg. by testing via CLI or contribution to GitHUBā€¦

1.3.10 on test now: I got rid of all references to plane images until I figure out how to get them again. Thanks for your report @Sharkys ! I saw another issue and fixed it as well reading your report :slight_smile:


I get notifications in my timeline again when a plan is flying by.
So that is working.
Version 1.3.10

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Still does not work. No data is transferred to the timeline or LaMetric clocks.

Could you please send a diagnostics report?


FYI, yesterday I got interim issues as well but it started working just few hours later

@Emiliano_Quetimporta just in case you see anything else in the log but currently itā€™s okay for me

update just got new one, target destination missing

Both empty: when you miss a plane you should send the report then I can see the error. I will check the code anyway to see if I miss something else, mostly are these errors related to missing data, for example an empty registration number

The 2nd report was sent out just with plane above my head :joy: So you are saying both diag. reports were empty?
Will try once more after plane will passā€¦

Ok. Maybe that could be a clue, an empty error :stuck_out_tongue:

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Test version of your app works :smiley:
Iā€™m only missing a tag which aircraft it is.
For example Boeing or Airbus

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