[APP][Pro] EasyLighting - Make smart home easy

Hi @Fac3
I will apply for test devices to solve those problems this week.

Power Metering does not work with any dimmer or switch module, All modules supporting this feature would be nice to have.

If the device itself does not have metering function, it is impossible to add metering in Homey.


Thanks for the support for device ZG2858A!

I managed to do few tests:

  1. Color temperature: Works great. Local number tag “#Color temperature” value between 0.0 -1.0. Tested with flow to send the “#Color temperature” value to number variable which is displayed on dashboard. Also tested with Nanoleaf E27 color lamp and color temperature changed accordingly.

  2. Hue and saturation: Doesn’t seem to work currently. Local number tags “hue” and “#Saturation” value do not change at all. Both tags tested the same way as color temperature in point 1.

So couple of problems with “hue” - and “#Saturation” -tags . Any idea what could be the cause?

Vesa Laine

Thank you for your feedback. Based on our tests, the Hue value should indeed change, while the Saturation value is designed to remain constant at 1 in this context.

One possible issue could be related to the trigger settings. Have you ensured that the corresponding group is selected when configuring the trigger? In our design, selecting a group is mandatory; if it is missing, the flow will not be triggered.

(Of course, we acknowledge this as a potential design limitation in terms of user experience, and we will look into ways to optimize this in future updates.)


I checked and the group has been set right(Group 1) on the flow. It is the same group as for color temperature, which does work.

I also tested with push notifications flow, and there also color temperature works, but hue and saturation does not.

Could this have something to do with my device firmware version which is “2.7.6_r22”?

Forgot to add, that group ON and OFF flows also work just fine,

I am alse 2.7.6_r22 , but I can’t to reproduce the issue on my side. Could you provide more information ?

PS. EasyLighting version is v1.1.8

I also have the v1.1.8 of the app.


I do have spare remote so maybe I try the same thing with that.

I’ll let you know how it went


Hi again.

Tested with another remote, but same problem. Can’t really understand what I’m doing wrong.

Here is the flow (Group1). I also tried to get it to work with groups 2 and 3 with no sucees.

Can’t see what I’m missing here.:thinking:

Yes, that’s right! Sorry if I was unclear on this. :slight_smile:


Will the SR-2411-ZG be added to your app? With CCT control?
Thanks in advance!