App for Sunricher sr-zv9101fa-rgbw

I have just bought an Homey PRO and is starting to move from Fibaro HC3, but i just hit a snag,
I have a Sunricher sr-zv9101fa-rgbw Z-wave LED controller, and i tought the Sunricher app was suporting this unit, but when trying to add the contoller it looks like its not suported.
I have also looked at the EasyLighning app but it dosent suport the RGBW contoller either.
Can anyome please advice me on how to get this device included into my PRO?

On GitHub you can ask the EasyLightning app developer for adding this device.
If and when the device will be added, of course, depends on the developer.

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Hei. Ja det ordna seg til slutt med EasyLighting App for Homey | Homey

Får styrt alt av farger, lysnivå osv både manulet i app, og automatisert i flows, og med Moods

Husker ikke lengere men det er helt sikkert lurt å ta en factory reset av RGB kontolleren :slight_smile:

Takk for svar :+1:t2:
Jeg hadde SR-ZV9003T4-RGBW-EU, og ser ut som det ikke var støtte for akkurat den.
Typisk det😜

@Ole_Jakob_Friis @Terje_Fagernes English, please :slight_smile: