[App][Pro] dingz (v1.3.1 / Test: v2.0.10)

Nope, because my crystal ball is on vacation…

Did you delete the faulty dingz-switch and reinstall ?

Yes, but that doesn’t solved the problem

I have written you in the previous post that I have no clairvoyant skills and can not help you so.

Because if you do everything as described in the doc, then it can only be with your network or with the two dingzSwitch itself. You could reset them to factory settings and register again or check if the switches are reachable via mDNS, etc… etc…

Hello Chris,
Do you know if an update date is planned to put the buttons with the functions back on homey? My last tests remain the same and the buttons still do not appear on Homey. And even trying your technique mentioned above. I also wrote to Dingz to find out if a firmware version was planned soon, Thanks

So first, please read this:

If you have configured the buttons in the dingzSwitch correctly, then they will work fine via the dingz device in the flow.

Ich verbrachte einen ganzen Tag ohne Erfolg. Ist es möglich, einen Eingriff durchzuführen oder genauere Erklärungen mit Bildern zu erhalten?

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate and help you. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/categories:

Deutsch (German)

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I spent a whole day without success. Is it possible to do a procedure or to have more precise explanations with image?

@ChrisG : Thank you!!! Everything’s working fine with the buttons if you configure them like this :

Firmware 2.0.21 Delete your switch and add it again, is working fine.
Firmware 2.0.37 Delete your switch and you cannot add it again. You can only select the switch and after you cannot select the details of the switch.

I asked the Dingz’s support to downgrade my switches to version 2.0.21. I will inform you if I can add it again.

Yes that can be. Beta versions are not supported anyway !!!

The support of the firmware v2.0.37 is planned for the dingzApp v2.0 and this will take some time, because it has to be rewritten more or less.

Gruss Chris

Hallo Chris, ich hatte Homey V10 installiert und es scheint mir, dass es ein Problem mit dem Dingz gibt. Habt ihr auch Probleme?


I think the Dingz Switch is a fantastic device!
I would like to thank the developer for his work on the Homey app to make Dingz compatible.

I would like to activate the LED only at night time and when the lights connected to my 2 Dingz devices are off.
To do that, I added a flow on Homey, something like this…

IF the motion alarm turned on
AND the Dingz A, button 1 is OFF
AND the Dingz A, button 2 is OFF
AND the Dingz B, button 1 is OFF
Turn on the LED on Dingz A
Turn on the LED on Dingz B

The issue is that I can not rely on the status of the Dingz buttons displayed in Homey. I have the feeling, that they are not always synchronized.

What do you think ? Do you have a similar experience?

Thank you in advance to those how will reply.

Best regards,



PS: Did you pair the dingz light device?

PPS: The only thing I noticed is that the LED does not work. But that seems to be a problem with the dingz-fw, because with the dingz (ios) app it doesn’t work either.

I will get in touch with the iolo tomorrow…

Gruss Chris

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply.

By the way, the version of the Dingz app for Homey that I have is 1.3.1

What do you mean by “ Did you pair the dingz light device?”

Best regards,


As an example:


I discussed several times with the support and I finally found the problem. I changed the type of blinds and that was the problem.
Let the type of blinds as default (“Stores vénitiens” in French) and everything is working fine !
I did the last firmware update (official) and all is ok for me. I have 10 dingz in my house.

I have a similar problem.
Light is is “on” in homey, but in fact the light is off. The Dingz Webui says that the light is off.

Is it the same problem ?
The upgrade of the last firmware 2.1.1 does not correct the problem.

What is the frequence for refreshing the Dingz Information in Homey?

Good morning, I have configured one of my 4 buttons in the Dingz app as a “fan”. This now does not appear in Homey, the other 3 light buttons, the motion detector and LED appear. Is this intentional or am I making a mistake?