[App][Pro] dingz (v1.3.1 / Test: v2.0.10)

Good morning

I have done that. Have also read the posts here. But I did not get any further.

Thanks for the “friendly” advice…

@RagnarCH and @Daniel_Gut

I guess that Chris means that he already mentioned that the Homey Dingz app in version 1.2.x is not compatible with Homey Pro 2023 and also not compatible with the current firmware on DINGZ. Try the test version (1.3.1), which you can find here: dingz | Homey

It should work better with it. However, it really is a test version and even here not everything works as it should.


Thanks for your feedback
I saw that yesterday and then installed it as well. The Dingz are recognized and my actions run as usual.
Only I can not select the button in the flow and I did not know if I have to enter something in the search field.
Have also carried out all instructions
I have also set the value oiling
Without success
So I asked here if I have to follow a special syntax in the field

I’m getting so tired of answering the same questions every day just because the documentation isn’t read.

If you have any problems or questions, feel free to contact me, but not ones that are documented and can be found without much effort.



I understand that very well, I run an ICT company myself. Therefore I always read manuals and research in forums before I ask questions

But despite all my attempts and measures, I have not made any progress.

Therefore I took the liberty to create an entry here.

Sorry for the circumstances. Ev I find times the solution.

The app I find very well done and will solve me many requirements that I could not implement with Dingz Boardmitteln

Greetings from Switzerland


The Dingz button in the flow can only be selected if the button in the switch is not assigned to an action/output.


I have just executed your hints in the menu item again and have found the following.

After I cancel the selection in the command setting, the buttons also appear in the flow. I can execute the created flow from the app. Only the keystroke on the DINGS itself no longer works because the command is not defined.

Grüsse aus der Schweiz

I have another concrete question about “Command”. In German “Steuerung”
If I disable everything here, I see the buttons in the “Button … is …” where-card and i can create flows. These also work well.
But with this configuration the button on the DINGZ doesn’t work anymore. For this I would have to select either “local” or “virtual”. But then the button is no longer available in the “Button … is …” where-card.

I’ve read through all the posts here again. I reset the DINGZ switch to factory settings and reconfigured it. The behavior remains constant.

Did I miss something or is this still a bug in version 1.3.1?

Best regards

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This is a homey feature !!!

You already did it right deselect local and virtual, then it is a homey button.

Danke für die Infos

Does that mean I have to decide whether I want to use the button on the Dingz or control it via Homey?
Both at the same time is not possible?
Would be pretty weird

I want to assign flows to the buttons, which I then want to trigger by pressing the button.

Only this is not possible at the moment. The Buttons are ignored

Grosses Lob für Deine Arbeit. Ich finde Deine 2 Apps sehr gut. Bin gerade dabei, die MyStrom Aktionen zu portieren. Beim Dingz ist es mir noch nicht gelungen

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate and help you. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/categories:

Deutsch (German)

No, otherwise you have the chicken and egg problem and the slower one wins.

(This was the case in the first version and it only caused problems).

Just so I get it right.
I want to configure the button exclusively in Homey Pro and create flows that are then triggered by the button press on the Dingz.

That should work.

I don’t mean that I want to program actions in the WebGui of the Dingz.

Everything already experienced…

Yes, I believe that immediately…

This is how the HomeyButton works !!

New update (Live: v1.3.1)

  • Support HP2023
  • Support dingzSwitch > v2.0.21
  • Several internal changes

I’m unable to connect 2 from 11 of my dingz devices (FW 2.0.37), using the dingz app 1.3.1 on Homey (2023).
A new installation of the app as well as dingz reboots doesn’t diced the problem. Any idea…? :bulb: