[App][Pro] dingz (v1.3.1 / Test: v2.0.10)

Gruss Chris

Sorry, I had to have a coffee first…:coffee:…

In version 1.3 only the old firmware v1 devices are supported. The new v2 devices are officially supported only with the Homey dingz-app version 2.x. But you can use the type "Steckdose geschaltet“ until then, it should work too.

The new version is currently under development and still takes its time, as the app had to be more or less rewritten due to the changes in the firmware.

Special Thanks in advance for this new development ! :+1:

Hi Chris, thank you for your quick answer. A coffee in the morning is always important :grinning: If I use “socket switched”, unfortunately it is not displayed in homey. when I switch to light it is displayed. What else could I try or what do I possibly have to do so that I can import it as a switched socket?

It was too early this morning.

You are right “socket switched” does not work, because iolo has internally changed the name. Then take light without dimmer, which is functionally the same.

Okydoky, i will try this :+1:t3:

Its working like this👍🏼

Guten Abend Chris
My Dingz motion detector is not listed in the activities, all other motion detectors are. Is that what you want or what can I do or what information do you need from me? By the way, he is reported in Heimdall. I want to use it to switch the light, which means that if zone XY is active, then light on, if inactive, light off.

What do you mean ??

The motion detector is in the dingz device:

I mean this => Zonen

The Multisensor is in the same room like the Dingz, but the Dingz Sensor is not aufgelistet💁🏻‍♂️

This is a (new) homey function, I have never used it. If you have installed the dingz device and it goes to active in the zone, then everything is OK from my side.


BDW: For me the activity looks even stranger

That’s exactly what it doesn’t do. The Dingz motion detector does not appear in the activities. If I move another motion detector into the “Bad Michel” room, then they appear there and also show the activity. is the same with the aeotec multisensor, hue motion detector and aqara motion detector.

No matter which sensor I move into the room, everyone shows the activity, except the Dingz BM.

Hello Chris
Are you going to do anything about the missing activity indicator?
I would greatly appreciate it as it would make the automated control of the light much easier.

NOPE !!!

As I said before, this is a problem of the homey app and not of me, because the dingz-device is an all in one device and they don’t seem to be involved for the “Zone Activity” control.

In other words, do you mean that I should ask Athom why this doesn’t work for Dingz?
I just find it a bit strange that no matter what device (contact sensor, motion detector, window handles) I move into a room, the activity is displayed. Some devices are all-in-one devices, e.g. the multisensor. I just want to make sure before I approach Athom that nothing can/must be done on your part?

You don’t have to do anything!!:exploding_head:!!

Athom has a bug in their code and they are informed and when it’s fixed then you’ll notice it already.

Ahh ok, that sounds good, thank you for your support.

New version (v2.0.1) released for testing

  • Almost everything, except the definitions of the individual dingzDevice, the rest was rewritten
  • Full support of dingz v2 firmware
  • Implementation of the dingzNet
  • With a few exceptions all dingzSwitch types are now supported
  • The dingzDevice’s are based on the configuration of the respective dingz switch
  • dingzDevice repair implemented
  • New images and icons

New test version 2.0.2 :

  • Timing problem fixed

Hi Chris

I have installed the very new version. Thanks for it.

Now, I have a problem with the installation or setup of it. I don’t understand exactly how I have to setup the MQTT broker on Homey. I can just put in a port number but not a Url.

Do you have maybe a detailed description for dummies? :blush:

Thanks for the reply