[App][Pro] dingz (v1.3.1 / Test: v2.0.10)

Is documented:

[quote=“[App][Pro] dingz (Live: v1.3.1 / Test: v2.0.2), post:1, topic:48029”]
motion (plus only)

I have made it work, but the motion sensor is unfortunately not displayed.

– App version: V2.0.2
– dingzSwitch model: dingz plus
– dingzSwitch firmware: 2.1.1
– Homey model: Homey Pro (Early 2023)
– Homey version: 10.1.4-rc.3
– MQTT broker: MQTT Broker for Homey
– Broker version: 3.0.2

Another thing I noticed: after installing the MQTT Broker, I still saw the motion sensor. However, I constantly received a connect error message. I then restarted the DINGZ app as you described. Now everything works, except for the motion sensor.

Thanks Chris

Great, it seems to working now. :+1:t2:


1 Like


Have you deleted the dingzDevice and added it again?

BDW: Is the “Interner Bewegungsmelder” activated at all ? Please check if it is configured correctly

2x yes. I first deleted all devices and then added them again. I can also see via the Dingz app (original, not Homey) that the motion detector is responding.

Is it possible that the app is not recognizing the Dingz “plus” correctly, i.e. classifying it as a normal Dingz?

Tonight I’ll try to delete the Dingz app on Homey completely and reinstall it. Maybe that will help.

Hallo Chris
Ich habe nach anfänglichen Problemen (Anleitung nicht gelesen) und umkehren der Rollladen Werten 0 auf 1 alles wieder im Griff.
Super und vielen Dank
Gute Arbeit

For your information:

If you delete the app, all DingzDevice are also deleted. If you only install the new test app (currently v2.0.3) over it, then existing devices are still present.

That’s good to hear … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:…

PS: But next time in English, please

New test version 2.0.3 :

  • Error-Handling fixed

I have tried the following:

  1. updated DINGZ app to 2.0.3 → motion sensor is not available
  2. completely uninstalled DINGZ app and freshly installed (V 2.0.3) → motion sensor is not available
  3. installed the old Dingz app 1.3.1 → whooop, Motion Sensor is back.

The error must therefore be in the new version.

Check your configuration, it should look like this:

New test version 2.0.4 :

  • Icons refactored
1 Like

Yes, my settings look exactly like this. The only difference is that when I select “Local” under Control, the message “No local motors or outputs available” appears. But even if I change the control to “Virtual” and add the DINGZ switch again, the motion sensor does not appear.


Strange you are the only one with this problem.

Do you have dingz error messages in the Simple(sys)Log ?

Please send me the config of the switch via PM so I can have a look.

BDW: Did you reconfigure the dingzNet via Repair after changing the dingzSwitch configuration (restarting the Dingz app also works)?


Good Morning

No, simple(sys)log shows no errors after adding the device:
(BTW: simple(sys)log is always crashing always crashes when i’m trying to export the log files)

i tried the repair function and also rebootet the device, but no difference.

I’ll send you the config file via PM. Thank you in advance for your efforts.

Important note for dingz-app (test: v2.0.x)

I have found a bug in the firmware (v2.1.1).

Please check whether the CORRECT MAC address of the dingz is entered in the “WebUI > System > dingz ID” field. If not, please correct it, because if you do not do this, communication with an MQTT broker, for example, will not work properly.

A fix is in progress…

New test version 2.0.5 :

  • Some change

New test version 2.0.6 :

  • Some fixes

[quote=“cgHome, post:118, topic:48029”]
Athom has a bug in their code and they are informed and when it’s fixed then you’ll notice it already.
Hello Chris
Except for the zone activity of the motion detector, everything is working perfectly, thank you very much for this app.
My installation is as follows:

  • App version: 2.0.6
  • dingzSwitch model: Dingz plus
  • dingzSwitch firmware: 2.1.1
  • Homey model: HP 2023
  • Homey version: 10.2.1
  • MQTT broker: MQTT Broker (Homey App Store)
  • Broker version: 3.0.2

In your post Nr. 115 from October 2023 you gave me the following answer:
Athom has a bug in their code and they are informed and when it’s fixed then you’ll notice it already.
Now we are at the end of January and still nothing has changed, the motion detector still does not appear in the activity display. As I wrote back then, no matter which other devices I add to Homey (in this time several others, also newer date/appearance), all appear in this activity display, only the Dingz motion detector does not.
Now I would like to ask you:

  • Are you sure that the error is with Athom and not in your app?
  • If so, have you reported the error or can you ask when Athom will have fixed this error?
    I’m just wondering because it really works with all other devices. What also makes me wonder is the fact that in the Dingz Homey app I have the option to exclude it from the zone activity or not under the advanced settings in the motion detector.
    I look forward to your feedback and thank you for your efforts.

I already tried to explain to you last time that I neither work for Athom nor have any influence on the order in which the errors in the Homey are fixed

And now to your accusations:

Since the source code of the app is available for everyone to see, you are of course free to check it and report the “error” to me if necessary.

In the Homey Slack channel from 29/10/2023 you can check that I actually informed @Jero that there is a problem with the zone activity.


Have you noticed that the motion messages are entered in the device timeline, or that the motion is triggered in a flow and “last but not least” the motion messages are also displayed in the Heimdall app?

If this is the case, then the app works…

One more: