Looking good
Just tried starting charging using a flow (WHEN this flow started THEN start charging) and it worked now I can start charging when my solarpanels are bleeding the sun dry
Just tried starting charging using a flow (WHEN this flow started THEN start charging) and it worked now I can start charging when my solarpanels are bleeding the sun dry
Yes really nice!
I will let you know if I get the trigger on charging time
I set the condition to <6% (since it stopped at 5% last time)
Because of my slow updates I will probably get it the message a lot later than the actual moment (of the car being full), but that is no problem so far
edit: just got a trigger on “charging time changed” and “charging state changed”
Question: would it be possible to set the Updateinterval on my device (audi A3) using flows? I think (not sure, probably someone with better knowledge can comment) when the car is not used for a few days the app updates too much and the car goes in 12v battery-save-mode (is that the issue?)
This also happens when you use the Audi app too much.
My car was in this state this morning, although it might be connected to the appproblems from last night.
That way, with some trigger (f.e. “car not used for > 2 days”) you can slow the updateinterval so that it doesn’t “drain” the system.
edit 2:
very happy
@martijnpoppen Did you find anything? Is there any other log i can get for you?
Still didn’t get the update, strange. Hopefully it will arrive later, I guess there is no way to push it, right
No update arrived yet
submitted the update again, lets see if it arrives now
@Peter_Johansson not yet, quite busy with all the crashes
ok - Update 1.3.8 installed
for the Golf GTE this is only when you are actually doing stuff to the car. when just looking if there are settings or values changed that is synchronized from the API database without “waking up” the car. the force update will trigger this as well as setting values on the car for charging speed and start-stopping charging. The We-Connect app has a toggle to have it wake the car at opening of the app that i have switched off as the data from the API is usually correct as the car updates that one once there is something to report (like outside temperature change). Only when i suspect that there is some incorrect data i will force refresh the app to wake the car and get the actual values.
My Homey app is at 1 minute update interval and the API backend is not complaining yet.
Please also note that the Homey app will trigger a force update every 6 hours as far as i can remember so your car will be bothered by the homey app 4 times a day currently as the option is not configurable yet. @martijnpoppen this may be a good option to put in to have the force update setting configurable (with a warning note ) that way users that dont use the car every day will still be able to not run out of force updates as that now sometimes does happen.
Hope this helps…
BTW as a side note: “the car is moving” is something that the GTE is a bit reluctant to tell the API. same goes for the unlocked condition… if i start driving it will not tell anything other than that the charger cable is unplugged. (that is already good as that makes my charger automation a little easier…)
Yes that’s a good one. Will add that!
okay, might be the same for my Audi then, I will test what happens with a 5 min interval the coming days
I was assuming this would “lock” my car but maybe it’s as you describe
@martijnpoppen Another test:
So, now I can control charging independently from the audi app/audi timers, and with the updateinterval on 5 min the updates are coming in perfectly
Hi Martijn, would it be possible for me to test the app as well (e-Golf)? With kind regards,
I’m afraid you would have to wait for release, for some reason Athom due to the frequent updates, is not making app available for everyone. But I think thanks to very intensive development, Martijn is getting close to official release (I think it’s less then week but no pressure, right )
@Sharkys Yes awesome
Exactly no pressure
But probably live in the coming weekend/week
Good stuff @zakraket
Looks good to me