Also so far update interval on 5 mins is no problem, so looks like @Bug was right about that
looks great - app not crashing anymore
if you add this to the whish / todo list could you also add a power yes/no item in the meters view? (and flow cards)
I sometimes have the charge box “on” but the car sees no power (as the charge session is somehow stopped in the wall box api) and then arrive at an empty car in the morning
thanks again!!
Will do @Bug
@zakraket i think that one doesn’t exist anymore due to this update:
New app update (test: 1.0.0): (auto update only) Note: This is a breaking change. Expect flowcards to be broken due to changes in names of cards and capabilities Changelog: BREAK: change capabilities & triggers/conditions for booleans FIX: measure_ with boolean shows as empty device indicator (changed boolean measure_ cards) FIX: Plug connected changed flowcard not working (all boolean cards are updated) FIX: Temperature changed card not working (this is changed to a single temperatur…
Can you try to re-add the card?
Just deleted it from the flow, saved and closed the flow, and readded it. Problem remains
Should mention that I use the webapp to edit flows (not the phoneapp) but I assume that should/can not make any difference.
Alright then I’ll dive into it !
btw also quite sure I created this flow after the update you mentioned
keep up the good work
@zakraket the GTE no longer has the “is charging” card. could you try the “charging changed” and add logic “charging = true” ?
that would basically do the same
New app update (test: 1.3.9): (auto update only)
- FIX: Fixed FlowCard
for typeconditions
@Bug you’re missing the is_charging condition card? should be there for the GTE
@martijnpoppen it works!
@Bug good alternative (I’m already using that logic in another flow)

you’re missing the is_charging condition card?
should be there for the GTE
Missing if is_charging
It is there in the and is_charging though.
I don’t have a problem with missing that one as the way mentioned above works fine for me
I do have a problem with it
As it should be there
@Bug I checked. But I got it on the GTE:
@martijnpoppen I think i misread the picture of the A3. There is no “is charging” start card and i thought i saw that one in the picture… There is only “charging changed” start card that i already use.
sorry for the confusion…
No problem!
Good evening @martijnpoppen I have been absent for a long time on this forum. Very nice that you are developing this app. If you are still accepting test users, I have an id 4 and would love to test your app.
Hey @Fiek
The app is almost ready for go live. I’m wrapping up the last bugs and hopefully I can release it.