[APP][Pro][Deprecated] Arlo - Security Camera

Hey, Thats odd

As you can see below the motion and audio for both the basestation and camera are being found.

I am not sure as to why its not being picked up by your flows.

2020-03-14 07:02:40 [log] [App] -<reader.parsecamera:activityState.alertStreamActive/>
2020-03-14 07:02:40 [log] [App] -<camera.emit:audioDetected>"A2R19B7YAxxxx"</camera.emit:audioDetected>
2020-03-14 07:02:40 [log] [App] -<basestation.emit:audioDetected>"5TM19B74Axxxx"</basestation.emit:audioDetected>
2020-03-14 07:02:40 [log] [App] -<app.homey.app.on:audioDetected>true</app.homey.app.on:audioDetected>
2020-03-14 07:02:45 [log] [App] -<reader.parsecamera:activityState.alertStreamActive/>
2020-03-14 07:02:45 [log] [App] -<camera.emit:motionDetected:true>"59U1837Wxxxx"</camera.emit:motionDetected:true>
2020-03-14 07:02:45 [log] [App] -<basestation.emit:motionDetected:true>"5TM19B74Axxxx"</basestation.emit:motionDetected:true>

That’s strange. As you can see here, only audio is registered.

By the way, it the same thing on VMB4000 and VMB4500, I have let the app run for 24 hours now and all my base stations are only register audio, not motion. Flows with motion won’t work either.

Installed v2.0.501 and got around todo som testing this morning.

I can confirm the same thing Tb1 get regarding that motion trigger isnt working anymore … but Audio does.

Other then that everything else works for vmb4000

// Ted

With this new release everything works as it suppose to. https://homey.app/en-us/app/com.arlo/arlo/test/

Yea both motion and audio detects but i seam to have found a bug regaring joined detection when you detect both motion and audio. It can not detect motion only aidio. jamie is looking into the reason for it. And im going to restart my arlo app and pull a new log sins the one i gave him wasnt very useful.

// Ted

Okey, that bug have I missed. I have also tested internet connection, when internet connection is lost on VMB4000 and VMB4500 or Homey and they are are connected again everything works, not needed to restart the app :+1: @Jamie when can we expect to add cameras?

Could you confirm the following Tb1?

1 When audio is triggered. Motion works on secondary trigger

  1. When motion is triggered. Audio do not work as secondary trigger.

  2. It looks like there some type of timer issue with audio reset because if i am talking long enouph that audio alarm never reset.

  1. When audio is triggered, motion works on secondary trigger. Checked and it works.

  2. When motion is triggered, audio will work on secondary trigger.

  3. I noticed that the arlo mobile app the audio icon get stuck in “recognized audio” if I trigger it to often together with motion, and then I need to deactivate the camera and activate it again for a reset. This has nothing to do with the Arlo app in homey.

  4. The only thing I have to mention is that the audio icon in homey get stuck sometimes but audio changes and work as is supposed to. See picture

Realy odd diff here then between your and my config.

Hmm, yeah that’s strange. I tried this out with a vmb4500 base and one Pro camera and one Pro2, I don’t know if that’s make any difference.

I use the vmb4000 and i have 3 cams for that but in my testing i use only one atm for function tests.

Going to do some more testing today and see if i can iron out something more. I am wondering if it could be the sensativity setting if that have something todo with this.

// Ted

I had all sensitive settings set to maximum when I did the test.

What happend to the cameras? In the alpha version you could add cameras, now it’s only the base station?

This is why:

"This is a very major rewrite where @Jamie rewrote all of the underlying communication layer with Arlo. Consequently it requires significant testing.

Once approved, I will start rolling out all other devices, this will happen quickly so check regularly for updates"

@Teddy how’s it going with your test, still problems? I’m running 2.0.510 since yesterday and I don’t have any problems with this version either.

.510 works fairly good for me. Im looking into a concurrent trigger issue that i had om the previus version. Jamie is going over a heartbeat timer problem he have identified. Other then that id say functionaly it looks close to next step :wink:

// Ted

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Hi there!
I have been following this thread for a while, but havent really had time to dig in. I was also stuck for a while on the .310 version, and I could never get any devices showing. Turned out today I needed to go for the .510 test version.

It is installed, and I have a separate user for it, but I cannot get logged in. And when I tried connecting with this app I see on my.arlo.com that I tried more than 5 times. As I can see, there are two ways of logging in, which one is preferred? Through the add device > log in or in the configure app screen?
What can I be doing wrong when not being able to log in? Is there an exceptional amount of retries that makes this happen from the app?


Now i seem to be logged in, but no devices showing. And none show up when I add device. Sent diagnostics:

I have a vmb4500r2 and when logged into the new used on the web I can see all devices, I think. I see the Siren, but should the base show up separately from the siren? Then that’s my problem. Any suggestions on how I solve that?

Does this extra user need what Arlo calls “Access rights”?