ARLO - devellopement

Hi there,

I would like to know if someone today is thinking of developing a module for ARLO cameras.
Indeed, I know that a first development had been done but that did not follow by disappointment of the developer (which I can understand).
I only have that left to finally stop my Jeedom.
If someone wants to develop I am willing to be a tester and I am very available.
Thank you to all of you.


I would love to see that too, I’ve 3 cameras and a base (Arlo pro model) and not willing to buy a whole new system.


I would appreciate an Arlo connection as well. We have 11 of them in 3 sites and will be happy to be a tester


I would love to see the Arlo camera app supported by Homey! We have 5 cameras at our home in Connecticut, USA. Would love to be a tester too!

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I own a ton of Arlo cams and would LOVE to be able to use them in my Homey 2023!!!