[APP][Pro] Dashboards

hello, I’m looking for a dashboard and this one looks great. Also all the work you put into it is beautiful. Is the app new online, I mean has there been an update?

I read something about API things, do you still have to do that to use your app?

Thank you, happy to test the results, I hope it’s not hard - then I would re-do my dashboards (if it’s just me)…

how did you create the white graph (is this graph not from this app?)

Ah, that one is from the Power by the Hour app
One can add a device which fetches the energy prices for the next day. These prices are made available in a graph as a ‘cam’.

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Is there such a thing for Switzerland? What do I have to look for, or it has to have a certain format. I also use Open Weather, is that possible?


I’ve found this website for have a widget with my meteo, but I don’t know how to put that in my dashboard :sweat_smile:
Any idea ?

Météo gratuit dans votre Web ou Blog (tutiempo.net)

It looks like script but I don’t know what to do with that :

<!-- fr.tutiempo.net - Largeur:477px - Taille:91px -->
<div id="TT_FiJEkkEEE1j9C8IAKbzDjjjjD6nAT2flrYEd1Zy5akj5GIGIm">Météo - Tutiempo.net</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://fr.tutiempo.net/s-widget/l_FiJEkkEEE1j9C8IAKbzDjjjjD6nAT2flrYEd1Zy5akj5GIGIm"></script>

First of al, what a great app.
But now my question. Anybody has a solution for showing the picture of my sonos favorite radiostation. With spotify ‘albumcover’ works. But In homey the picture of the radio station isn’t shown. I saw om a dashboard that someone had the picture of the radio station. How?

Hoe do you add the weather temp under the buienradar image ?

For that to work you’ll have to inform with Marcus for the current ideas on a (restricted?) html widget.

But I found you can use xml as well. While xml works as ‘virtual cam’ input
(For French change /en/ into /fr/)

I’ve tested some with it, it’s xml, but not the right format :flushed:

I’ve mentally landed on providing sandboxed iframes. So the exact example @Renaud_Climent provides would not work out of the box, as this is basically injecting external scripts into the app.


I’m using the knmi weather app.

How do you add that to the dashboard then

First add an image, and from there, add a couple of capabilities. And than select the values you want to display. Than everything show up in the same card. :+1:t2:

Going to check

Another question

That button to start radio ?

So in the future it will be possible to add widgets or ?

You will be able to add anything that works within an iframe. I cannot explain what iframes are, but they are both loved and hated by developers for the same reasons :wink:

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That is just a button that starts a flow. Nothing special. :hugs:

Okay but that’s in a future release ?

Okay but how do you get that blue big icon then ?

Correct. It’s on the “roadmap” :wink: