[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Another question can we set a bigger text size for capability’s ?
So I can read it better from a distance ?

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I can’t get this to work on my google hub.
Are you using something else than this url?

In the settings of the dashboard app you can find a local and remote URL. You need to use one of those and add the ?api-key= parameter.

Question for Marcus, and all regular users replying here fairly regurarly.

I see two kinds of discussions here lately.

  • Reporting a broken egg, or suggestions for improvement. (And of course, Marcus confirming it fixed or implemented)
  • Look at my Dash or how do you do that on your dash.

IMO, the last topic, should be in a seperate topic. To keep this one more clean about the App.
Or is this a stupid idea?!



love this app… but i think i accidentally broke it when i replaced the existing API-key in homey…?

When i now press:

Local URL = i see “Oh no, you have no dashboards”
Remote URL = i see an empty blank screen
Open homeyboard Direct = Error: No Homey Found At Adress: …
Open homeyboard Online = I see “Oh no, you have no dashboards”

any way to fix this or reset the app? I have tried re-installing the app but i don’t get to enter a new API-key…


There’s no logout button, that’s the issue. In your browser press F12 to open the developer console. Select the Application tab, under Local storage delete the api-key record. Or double click the value, and paste your new api-key. After that do a refresh of the page :wink:

It’s not a stupid idea. But I’ll probably pay attention to both topics anyway :sweat_smile:
I’ll think about it!

I got a feature request, to show the status of the user: Home/Away/Sleep

I created this with Device Capabilities app

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Oke but how does it work?

Never mind figgerd it out :slight_smile:

Thanks alot, that worked great!

Hoe maak je dit ?
Ben nog niet zo bekend met die Device Capabilities app :frowning:

:uk: please.
This is all:

You can use an AVD each, or use just one AVD with several on/off switches for the users.

With a flow you’ll have to set the switch.

With one AVD each:
-user X came home

(The AVD is called ‘@thuis’ and the on/off switch is called ‘@home’)

With multiple users in one AVD:
-user X came home

Repeat for ‘user X left home’

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Is there allready a central place like Github where we can add requests and report bugs and to see what allready has been reported? Or just this topic…


Good to see this :grinning: However I have a HP23 but when I install the app, click direct and then I need to enter a API key for direct, but I dont have an option under settings called API Keys?

API key is a Pro23 ‘gadget’, and can be used f.i. by apps if you configure it.
I guess you first have to create an API Key :wink:
This should be somewhere in Homey - Settings

Ah well the installation didnt say you had to go that url :wink: It said to open Settings > API which isnt there on the mobile app. but thanks :grinning:

Have a nest thermostat but there is a delay with the slider and current temp

Also nice to have a media tab …

See album art or Spotify integration or something like that

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