[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Same here

@skogsaas Some more suggestions:

  • Is it possible to add support for zone activity widgets (e.g. Home/Floor X/Room Y)?
  • Flows: Use default green Homey icons instead of the big red one (or smaller, especially on a phone they look HUGE) :slight_smile:
  • Edit mode: show the edit icons/tools for a widget only when hovering over it. That makes the dash in edit mode much less cluttered.
  • Edit buttons (Add/Save/Cancel) are a bit small. Maybe increase the font size and/or make it bold to make it stand out a bit more?
  • I think dark mode is already on the list (Set dark mode from Homey device settings and flow · Issue #34 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub)?
    IMO even being able to select a dark canvas would already be a nice option.

BTW: Added a few of these as request to Github too. Is that the preferred method?

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But this is not app related at all, it’s a ‘gift’ from Athom (It probably is very hard to add the Api Key tab also to the mobile app, but then with just a remark “web app only”)

Just create a virtual cam and add this link http://gadget.buienradar.nl/live.com/BuienradarGadget.xml after that add device to dashboard

Thanks, but I have one made. :wink:

Hovering doesn’t work (very well/at all) on tablets (at least on iPad), so please take that in consideration when judging this request :scream:

Maybe better to reveal/hide the tool icons when the widget is clicked in edit mode then. :slight_smile:

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Are here people who using fully kiosk browser

Did you enable desktop mode in settings or mobile browser ?

Does it matter for the size screen ?

I am. Mobile mode or else it becomes to small. But you can scale up desktop mode but i found it some what strange and unpredictable behavior. So sugestion atleast atm is use mobile mode in fully kiosk. Other then that i have to say it works good in it :slight_smile:

Okay you also have a plus subscription ?

Hello !
Is someone know if there is something similar of the gadget meteo “Buienradar” but for Belgium ?

But how do you get it so big then ?

Just add a fav flow, pick an icon, and voila. It has the size it has, no tricks

Small bug: after changing an existing widget (group), the text component of that widget is set to default font size (forgets the font size set earlier).

This is my dashboard:

Yes i do.

Ah okay

Can someone show an example how you organize lights per room ?

Need some inspiration

Make a dashboard for every room. In every dashboard you can make a button to the other dashboards.


Is it possible to add a + and - button as capability for example my thermostat instead of a slider ?

@skogsaas with my best thermostat it’s not secure
Or make it possible go higher and lower with half degrees

Nest is not working with ,2,3 ornsomethijg else

List selection doesnt seam to work.

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Dashboard works really well once you get used to it :slight_smile: I’ve already couple of devices (capabilities), insights plus weather maps (via virtual cams). I really like the lightbox pop up on click. Very useful for the insights and weather maps.

What I haven’t understood yet is the “Device”. On my dashboard it just shows the device name and icon without any info/capability. So I’m “rebuilding” my devices by adding the capability. In the end the same thing except you have to add the name and icon manually. Do I miss the point on Devices?

Another thing, has anyone being able to embed a traffic map? The ones I know like Google maps require iframes which are not supported. We would need a image.

Overall this App is really the best Dashboard app I’ve seen. I’m running it on a wall mounted ipad that gets actived via philips hue motion sensor (via homekitty)