[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Maybe you guys think is it fun to show your dashboard here, and inspire others the add new things.

Below you can find my dashboard.

This is the main dashboard:

On the top left and top right I have added two extra dashboard: Verlichting (Lights) & Insights:


@skogsaas See your Dashboard in the Homey App Store WhatsApp Channel. :pray:t2::muscle:t2::raised_hands:t2:


I think it’s about time I show my presence here again after some radio silence :sweat_smile:

I’ve used some time trying to bark up the wrong tree. Basically tried to let you design your own widgets with a cool drag&drop UI. But it started getting way too complex, so I’ve put it aside for now. Maybe I’ll open that door again in the future, but not now :door:

I’'ve added it to the list: USER: Add widget to display and control user away and awake · Issue #93 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub

I’ll add a note of it to the login screen: LOGIN: Specify that API-key is only available from the Homey web-UI · Issue #94 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub

Already on the list: CAPABILITY: UI for `media` type · Issue #72 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub

The Device widget only does that. It was added when I split “singel widget single card” into “single card multiple widgets”, just to make sure everyone’s dashboards looked the same. It currently has no other purpose than that.

Free publicity, I like it! :heart:

As a sneak preview, this is the tasks that are being worked on and is nearly done:

I’ve also needed some diversity in my work, so I’ve started a tiny bit of work on another app. Advanced operations on time series data. Basically doing stuff Homey already should have allowed you to do. It’s another pet project that hasn’t received that much attention yet :wink:



Maybe you didn’t read it but the slider for my nest thermostat didn’t work accurate

Nest thermostat works with half degrees
When inslide the slider en pit in on 21,6 he goes to 22 degrees

Idea to make a plus and minus button or better to make it work with half degrees

I’ve read it when you first posted it, but managed to scroll past it now.
I’m guessing that the Nest thermostat has no step specified. The slider uses the capability.step property to define step size. If the property doesn’t exist, it uses the capability.decimals to define step size. If the Nest thermostat has no step, but has decimals = 1, this would result in a step size of 0.1 degrees for the slider.

As I’m now implementing a logic (variables) widget, I see the benefit of creating some common controls for numeric values. This should also allow users to select between a slider, +/- buttons, number-input. It should also allow users to define/override the min/max/step/unit fields.
The same thing should also be done for yes/no controls that allow users to select between a toggle switch, on/off button, multiple buttons, and so on. :wink:

I’ve now added: WIDGET: Common control for numeric values · Issue #95 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub
and: WIDGET: Common control for boolean values · Issue #96 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards · GitHub



So when you implement that to the dashboard it should work better and accurate?

Now it is colder weather it’s handy it’s working fine :slight_smile:

Nice to see examples indeed

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Hi, I’ve added an enhacement request for supporting iframes to embed info from other sites liké google maps or weather snippets. Those are typically only available as iframes

UI: support for iframe · Issue #97 · skogsaas/homey.dashboards (github.com)


Example of my Dashboard below. top section are status of windows. as it’s getting cold now and not everybody in family is conscious about saving energy :slight_smile: What I still would like to add is a traffic map.

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Please is someone able to crate me a link for the weather radar for Czech republic location Karlovy Vary?
Thank you

Maybe I read over it but can we already copy of cut devices and paste from one dashboard to an other.
Making some devices over again it would take a long time with i.e. 9 capability’s. (6 steps each.)

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Co takto: Mijn Buienradar

Thanks for your reply but this link doesn’t work for me as Virtual camera
It works with this


It’s a gif, the link from you isn’t…so I don’t know how to handle it in the dashboard when isn’t a virtual camera

Didnt add my lights page sins i didnt think it was any special. But maybe some inspiration for someone. I like the kids page with the school lunch schedule. Got + points for that from my wife and the kidds :wink:


True. Seems only option is to wait till iframe will be implemented in Dashboards

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In the beginning, it took some time before the devices became visible and could be selected from the drop-down menu in the dashboard. Eventually, the entire dashboard froze, and all devices disappeared (Devices not found). What I did was delete all the boards and uninstall the application. I also deleted the API key.

Now, when I reinstall the application, I don’t get the option to add a new API key (Local direct contact). As a result, I no longer see any devices in the dashboard.

What can I do here???
The application looks really cool

App settings?

Direct connect → Local URL
At first run, I got a dialog box to enter the API key.
That box did not show up after re-install. Im entering the “old” adress, seems that it wont cleen the whole application folder when uninstall (? )

I had the same issue about a week ago.
it looks like the settings are stored in browser cookies or something like that.
What I did was test with opening an in private browser session, this should show the API pop-up.
After that I deleted the cookies for the dashboard URL in the browser settings and all was working again.

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Ahh. Thx a lot! That did the trick!