[APP][Pro] Dashboards

Thanks for your explanation. I managed to make a tile with multiple capabilities.

Update 0.12.2 - Fixes to insights

Good evening all!

Before I start work on the next feature-version I wanted to cleanup some of the last issues reported.


Thanks but I am still not able to add insights. Same behavior… Here is the code:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 429 ()
3.3406db33.js:109209 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
    at getOwnerName (3.3406db33.js:109209:27)
    at 3.3406db33.js:109241:27
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at $$self.$$.update (3.3406db33.js:109240:45)
    at init (index.6d45844e.js:494:6)
    at new InsightPicker (3.3406db33.js:109284:5)
    at create_fragment$d (3.3406db33.js:116696:19)
    at init (index.6d45844e.js:497:35)
    at new InsightEditor (3.3406db33.js:116953:5)
    at construct_svelte_component (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:653:10)
    at create_if_block_2$2 (3.3406db33.js:122674:23)
    at Object.p (3.3406db33.js:121916:22)
    at Object.p (3.3406db33.js:122792:20)
    at update_slot_base (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:93:10)
    at Object.p (index.d55bf874.js:124:11)
    at Object.p (index.d55bf874.js:268:20)
    at update (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:774:32)
    at flush (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:740:9)

What I found was:

Top Device.
Click “Device not configured.”
Click “Device: Select device.”
Pick your device.

Top Capability
Click “Capability not configured.”
Click “Device: Select device.”
Pick your device.
Click "Capability: Select capability
Pick your capability.

Repeat for every capability

Set icon.


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Just give me 2 minutes and do a refresh!

When you put it that way, I see that I need to reduce number of clicks somehow :sweat_smile:


The same feeling I had when I try to work with this new layout.

One moment you can choose the wrong device.

What I did. :flushed:

Long 2 minutes… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Just kidding… Take your time and let me know when I can test. Do I also have to remove browser cache?

I actually took longer than 2 minutes. For some reason the GitHub publishing used several minutes :man_shrugging:
You’re the only one I know experiencing this, please try again now. And make sure you do a full refresh, CTRL + F5 on a PC :wink:

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Okidoki :+1 :white_check_mark:


Hmmm, it worked for some minutes, and now the behavior is back… Really strange. The moments that it worked was using the online version. So not local. I will test if it will keep working using online version only without the app installed.

However, here is the error:

3.3406db33.js:109209 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
    at getOwnerName (3.3406db33.js:109209:27)
    at 3.3406db33.js:109241:27
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at $$self.$$.update (3.3406db33.js:109240:45)
    at init (index.6d45844e.js:494:6)
    at new InsightPicker (3.3406db33.js:109284:5)
    at create_fragment$d (3.3406db33.js:116696:19)
    at init (index.6d45844e.js:497:35)
    at new InsightEditor (3.3406db33.js:116953:5)
    at construct_svelte_component (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:653:10)
    at create_if_block_2$2 (3.3406db33.js:122674:23)
    at Object.p (3.3406db33.js:121916:22)
    at Object.p (3.3406db33.js:122792:20)
    at update_slot_base (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:93:10)
    at Object.p (index.d55bf874.js:124:11)
    at Object.p (index.d55bf874.js:268:20)
    at update (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:774:32)
    at flush (scheduler.a4b1dbd5.js:740:9)
0.f7f2b3de.js:4998 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getBoundingClientRect')
    at getBoundingRectNoTransforms (3.3406db33.js:120149:19)
    at animateDraggedToFinalPosition (3.3406db33.js:120818:24)
    at handleDrop$1 (3.3406db33.js:120815:3)
    at sentryWrapped (0.f7f2b3de.js:4981:17)

Yeah, that seems about right. You don’t have to uninstall the app, you just have to use the online version until the app is updated to 0.12.3 on your Homey. I see that it usually takes up to 24 hours before most users have updated to the latest version. You can try to force it to update to latest version by installing it again: Dashboards App for Homey | Homey

Here’s how it looks like for me as a developer:


Not sure if posted alr: when I saved a widget, I forget to save the dash itself, losing my work.
I usually am against these kind of pop ups, but can you consider adding a ‘You haven’t saved your dash yet, are you sure?’ confirmation box, when browsing away (like, selecting one of my other dashboards)?
Or just increase the font sizes by 500% :wink:

As you can notice, I’m not busy yet with ‘the looks’ :wink:

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Its working fine now!! Thanks a lot for the quick update(s).

Here a first try of making a dashboard. I am really happy with it so far!

EDIT: made it a bit nicer… :sweat_smile:



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What about media support? Is this something that is planned yet? Or should I make a feature request for that on Github. :slightly_smiling_face:


Completely out of curiosity, and not being able to figure it out.
How did you create this icon?

The icon is called : “lightbulb-group”. Does that answer your question? Or do you want to know how you can change icons…



Sorry if the question was already asked but I haven’t find the answer.
What is the app for you central weather card ??

Edit : I’ve find the answer! It’s your home assistant weather.

So any idea for have the weather a bit like that but without home assistant?
A map or the previsions ?
Because I use “weather by open-meteo” but it’s only for live meteo or past meteo but no previsions…

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

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Hi, I’m not using Home Assistant but just the knmi weather app.

Hi Renaud,

I’ve these URLs for use with virtual Homey cams



(A big size map)