[APP][PRO] Connect Solar Solax Inverter to Homey

Hi, it looks “perfect”. Please try again. Thank you.

FYI Michal, Solax X3 G4, connected via Wifi Dongle v3 and Cloud, both seems to be working - well done ! I don’t have yet finalized installation but already see some potential to add few more data, like for batteries - voltage and temperature, may I help you somehow to provide some diagnostic data ?

Screen from the Solax Cloud

Also quite a pity that it seems there isn’t Inverter temperature available anywhere, seems even not on https://www.solaxcloud.com.

Also I don’t see EPS Load in the Local version it’s available in the Cloud though.

Hi, I could, if Solax would provide it. I get ONLY following data from Solax Api. For more data, only Modbus version can help so far.

"result": {
"inverterSN": "xxx",
"sn": "xxx",
"acpower": 493,
"yieldtoday": 25.9,
"yieldtotal": 3201.2,
"feedinpower": -35,
"feedinenergy": 516.23,
"consumeenergy": 1200.46,
"feedinpowerM2": 0,
"soc": 25,
"peps1": 0,
"peps2": 0,
"peps3": 0,
"inverterType": "5",
"inverterStatus": "102",
"uploadTime": "2022-10-31 23:38:31",
"batPower": -486,
"powerdc1": 0,
"powerdc2": 0,
"powerdc3": null,
"powerdc4": null,
"batStatus": "0"
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Hi Michal,
I have asked SOLAX about that and expected no answer - but actually and surprisingly I got one, with the updated API documentation - unfortunately I see the same in the API as you, so I raised another question, why we don’t see extended API output - will inform back if I will learn anything useful.

SolaX Cloud Monitoring API v7

FYI, I also got SolaxCloud_Control_API_V2.0.pdf, PM me if you might find this useful but I guess at least for Homey it’s not.

Solax Control API interface document is a guide for agents , installers or third parties to remote control Solax system through Http protocol.

Hi @Sharkys ,

thank you for information. I checked API and I also have “old” response. I hope they will release it for all of us.

I do not plan to use Control API, because I would like to avoid any changes in settings etc. I am not certified for this and I am afraid that it may cause problem for some users (incompatibility, error in code, etc.). So at least for now I would like to focus on providing reliable information from API and Modbus.


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In the settings of the Solax app, it says the Solax cloud limitation is 5 minute update interval. but when I look in the Solax cloud API document this says the following:

“The tokenID can be used to obtain real-time data of your inverter system. The obtain frequency need to be lower than 10 times/min and 10,000 times/day.”

So this is less than 5 minute update, 10.000:1440=6.9 times per minute update. Can you clear this up? or is this not the same?

Feel free check it by yourself. Just open link with your values (https://www.solaxcloud.com/proxyApp/proxy/api/getRealtimeInfo.do?tokenId=xxx&sn=yyy)
and check how ofter is updated.
It is not about download, it is about upload. If inverter doesn´t provide data every minute, you can´t get them by asking backend more often.

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Hi @Michal_Stranik

Version 2.9.0 is a great move towards automation. I found a small bug. The Feed-in and Force-Time use mods are switched. Just for info, my inverter is a Solax X3 hybrid G4 8kW.

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Hi @Ivan_Regal, I just tested it and it work as it should on G3.
In docs, there is no information about different values for G4. Are you sure about it?

I’ve just tested it and now everything is OK :ok_hand: Maybe, my mistake in some workflow…

Hi @Michal_Stranik,
I was too hasty :-). Working mods are really swapped. Below are excerpts from the modbus libraries. Feed-in in G4 has a value of 1, but in the case of G3 it has a value of 3.

Hi @Ivan_Regal , could you be so kind and provide me source document?
In documents I have (Hybrid X1&X3-G4 ModbusTCP&RTU V3.21- English) there is no information about different values for each model :confused:

Hi @Michal_Stranik there is a link https://gbc-solino.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Hybrid-X1X3-G4-ModbusTCPRTU-V3.21-English_0622-public-version.pdf, but I think the name of the document is the same as you mentioned above. But look at the page 12. There you can find that definition of SolarChergerUseMode.

Hello @Michal_Stranik, is there any possibility to add Today grid consumption to capabailities?

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@horakmar what about to use app called Power by the hour?

Soon there should be version 2.9.3, so please it and let me know.

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Will try, Thx!

I just tried test version 2.9.2 and it is crashing when you want to change use mode by flow.

Yes, that is possible, because library has been affected by updates.
That is why I wrote 2.9.3 :slight_smile:

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I tested version 2.9.3 today and everything works without any problems. Thank you very much!