[APP][Pro] Connect Solar Goodwe Inverter to Homey


I have a GW5000D-NS inverter, which is currently connected to Homey via the cloud. However, I find the cloud connection unstable and therefore want to read it locally. I currently have a Wi-Fi module in the inverter. Do I need a LAN module to read it via Modbus?

Hello @Michal_Stranik,

Really happy with the app, any reason why there is not a ā€œthanā€ option. Switch on/off would be a valuable add-on for many of us with a dynamic energy contract.

Best regards!

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+1 ā€¦

Willing to pay the ā€œ$50 feature request feeā€ if I know the feature will be implemented. Saves me a lot time to implement a workaround.

I guess the ā€œswitching on/off control functionā€ is available for the Home Assistant equivalent: GitHub - TimSoethout/goodwe-sems-home-assistant: Sensor for Home Assistant pulling data from the GoodWe SEMS API for solar panel production metrics.

Anyone familiar with GoodWe remote on/off or power output control?

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Hi @Michal_Stranik ,
Iā€™d like to ask if it would be possible to add more data to the appā€”it doesnā€™t even have to be displayed on the deviceā€™s home screen; it would just need to be readable in Homey and usable within logical variables. Specifically, Iā€™d be interested in feed-in power by phase and the houseā€™s consumption by phase.
Iā€™d be happy to send a contribution for this.

Hi all,

Did anyone find a solution for the problem stated above, that an inverter is connected by modbus but doesnā€™t show any data?

I have tried connecting the inverter to Home Assistant, and it shows everything without issues. Also via modbus. So, my guess itā€™s something with Homey or the app.

Maybe @Michal_Stranik ?

Hello and thank you Michal for this awesome app. I just got such an inverter and was so happy to see I can integrate it to Homey.

It works flawlessly so far. May I ask for a little improvement?

Would it be possible to add cards for ā€œandā€? I mean Iā€™d like to switch my pool pump on IF the battery is above 90 % charge AND the power from the collectors is above 2 kWh so I can be sure that the battery is still charging, you know?

This is just an example, apart from that we could create even nicer scenarios :slight_smile:

Looking forward to a reply from you.

Thanks again and regards

Wellā€¦ ticket on the developers website has been removed without an answer. No answer here. Is the app still actively being developed?

Most data in the GoodWe app is 7 days old. Have I got it wrong or is it a app flaw?

Been using this app (modbus) for reading soc. Now I have added a second identical Inverter (ET) with the same FW.
However, it seems like the app doesnā€™t handle more then one Inverter over Modbus. When just add one Inverter it also reads the info of the second Inverter. Which makes the app unusable. Love the app but is there a way to make it handle more then one Inverter?
Now it jumps between information from the the two inverters.
I use HA to read it properly for now but it would have been nice to use this app.

I will take a look what I can do, but I canĀ“t test it.
Plase try new version and let me know:


I have a GW5000D-NS inverter, which is currently connected to Homey via the cloud. However, I find the cloud connection unstable and therefore want to read it locally. I currently have a Wi-Fi module in the inverter. I can access the inverter via the solargo app. But accessing via mosbus is not working.
Do i do something wrong?


First, VERY happy with the app. my whole energy management runs via goodwe app (battery system). But the last couple of weeks the app stays as crashed en does not read out data via modbus. I have tried to reconnect bus this did not work. Anything else i can try? Or is there still a flaw in the app. Thank you in advance. Kind regards

hi, for the past few days local communication keeps dropping. Please correct me, thank you very much. it behaves the same even on the BETA version.

I am aware of this and I am working on solution. It seems that inverter send sometimes different response and app is not able to handle it. Before it crashed, not it freezes. Both is wrong.

Please keep updating to latest test build and if it freeze, send me diagnostic report (once per version should be enough).

ok im going to the latest version and will let you know, thank you. Děkuji

Hi @Michal_Stranik, in Australia they require a device to turn off the inverter once an export limit has been reached. In The Netherlands, the inverter is required to turn off if the voltage gets above a certain threshold. As far as I know, the inverters donā€™t suffer from being shut down in this manner. As I understand it, GoodWe is one of the few inverter brands that offer a software on/off switch. When prices go negative, I would like to be able to shut down my inverter and start it back up again when prices go positive. There is a HACS integration that does this (GitHub - mletenay/home-assistant-goodwe-inverter: Experimental version of Home Assistant integration for Goodwe solar inverters), but I chose Homey and not HA. Any chance you would reconsider?

Hi @Michal_Stranik,

Iā€™m having issues communicating to my GoodWe Inverter as per attached screenshots. System is located in Australia and perhaps the communication method varies by location?

I have triple checked my SEMS login details and the System ID as per your pairing guide. Your support link https://mistr.tech/ is not working for me to log a support ticket.

Let me know if I am missing something or if you have any suggestions.

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Iā€™m getting spikes in the solar power reading since a couple of versions back. Is there anything that i could do to resolve this?

Great app

Hi Michal,

Firstly, thank you very much for a great app, it works perfectly for me. The only thing I am missing is that my Goodwe power meter is not recognised as an Energy Meter in Homey. In other words, I cannot take advantage of all the functionality Homey offers for other energy meters such as Aeotec etc (eg. Under the Energy tab where it should who the power consumption of the house). I have posed this question in the general forum and was told the only attributes a power meter needs is measure_power and meter_power, which your app appears to have. I have also raised it with Homey support and they said their development team would look into it. But if you have any other suggestions how to get this functionality, I would appreciate it.

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