[APP][Pro][Cloud] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts

Ps reboot HP and app. Before that check your hp memory. The report let me see nothing strainge.
Offline in the monitoring is a bug. All services are online.

Same as here!

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How is your homey connected wired ? or via Wi-Fi ?


I have created a test flow to check if it will work. Would it still be an option to reinstall the app?

Allright must be good ! via Wi-Fi jumping between cheap mesh kits could shut down the app for some reason…

I have restarted the app and Homey. No result. Also reinstalled the app. Unfortunately, still no desired result. Any suggestions on getting it to work? Could you perhaps share your flow so I can test it on my end?

On this site it is also working.

But @ErikT , if you show your flow, then maybe someone can see if there is something wrong with the flow.

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@Mike1233 Here is my flow. It’s a testflow. He doesn’t work

Try 2 separate condition cards. So first fire department and then region.

Ik doesn’t work. There comes not an push message. Any idea?

And you’re sure that there is any p2000 message?

Try al simple flow like “een nieuwe melding is ontvangen” then “stuur een push notification” if your P2000 device is working you should have a lot of push notifications.

You can also check if you long presh on your device it wil show a “live monitor” and wil show you all the messages.

This will refresh immediately when a new P2000 is comming.

If this works for you you have to look how to build your flow… There’s nothing wrong with this app…


I think, i have no connection to the server

For 55 years i see… remove your device and add a new device, hopefully will fix that

I have tried all sorts of things by now. Completely deleted the app, installed and started a new device. Result: still no display. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I use p2000 app on homey cloud, and this morning the message that homey cloud platformsutomatically disabled my p2000 flow, ‘as it ran too manytimes’. The flow is very simple but triggers on ‘when message received’, then filters out on location and street. What to do?

Please send me a report.

Just send it by pm. Thanks in advance

It seems that the flow is triggered with every incoming p2000 incident (and that can be a lot), in homey cloud, this could automatically disable the flow (done by homey cloud itself) as a safeguard.

i have 1 solution and 1 try out i am gonna test:
in homey cloud, you cannot trigger a flow based on the fact that a flow is disabled

1- auto reenable of flow. using an external service, i update a 5 minute counter which i use flor slow timers (resolution 5 mins minimum). using this counter i check every 5 mins of the p2000 flow is disabled (the AND card check works), then auto enable it again. This works

2-Loadsharing. i have 3 msg flows reading P2000 messages, they enable and disable each other in a rolling sequence. each flow saves the last p2000 data like city,street,short notification to a variable.
Other filter flows are triggered by each msg flow and filters further on city & street.
if that match then it triggers a notification.

I see by monitoring msg counters that the incoming p2000 triggers are divided over the 3 msg flows. Hopefully this will not trigger the auto disable by homey. lets see.

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