[APP][Pro][Cloud] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts

App Crashes every few hours

@Bjorn_Schalks see the workaround.

:rotating_light: Update 4.7.10

New Live version!

:warning: Please reboot the app after updating it.


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of P2000, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience.
Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of P2000 App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Visit P2000.xyz today and embark on a journey of seamless communication and heightened situational awareness! Your feedback continues to shape our evolution. :globe_with_meridians::iphone::computer::rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by p2000.page


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round with iDeal or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

How can I filter that the VWS messages for Ambulances are not received?
I tried it with the following card but stil receiving VWS messages:

VWS messages?

Yes VWS which you called ‘herpositionering’ like this one

You can try this.

:rotating_light: Update 4.7.11

New Live version!

:warning: Please reboot the app after updating it.


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of P2000, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience.
Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of P2000 App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Visit P2000.xyz today and embark on a journey of seamless communication and heightened situational awareness! Your feedback continues to shape our evolution. :globe_with_meridians::iphone::computer::rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by p2000.page


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round with iDeal or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

:rotating_light: Update 4.8.0

New Live version!

:warning: Please reboot the app after updating it.


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of P2000, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience.
Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of P2000 App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Visit P2000.xyz today and embark on a journey of seamless communication and heightened situational awareness! Your feedback continues to shape our evolution. :globe_with_meridians::iphone::computer::rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by p2000.page


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round with iDeal or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

I have a question about the Maps Static API.
I previously requested a key and entered it in the app. That worked for some time, but recently I no longer receive Maps-related information in the notifications. Now get the default app logo.
I can’t find a cause, can anyone help me?

  • check google if you don’t have a rate limit on the api key.
  • check device settings if the api key is still there.
  • reboot the app.

:rotating_light: Update 4.8.4

New Live version!

:warning: Please reboot the app after updating it.


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of P2000, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and logging for user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience.
Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of P2000 App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Visit P2000.xyz today and embark on a journey of seamless communication and heightened situational awareness! Your feedback continues to shape our evolution. :globe_with_meridians::iphone::computer::rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by p2000.page


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round with iDeal or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

1 Like

The latest update unfortunately contains a timeline bug that causes the app to continuously indicate that it is back online. We will move the app back one version today, which will fix the annoying bug. Apologies for the inconvenience.

:rotating_light: Update 4.8.5

New Live version!

:warning: Please reboot the app after updating it.


:lady_beetle: Timeline Notifications: We’ve addressed an issue where timeline notifications were not displaying correctly. With this fix, you can now receive timely and accurate notifications to stay informed about important events and updates.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of P2000 App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Visit P2000.xyz today and embark on a journey of seamless communication and heightened situational awareness! Your feedback continues to shape our evolution. :globe_with_meridians::iphone::computer::rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by p2000.page


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round with iDeal or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

Waar vind ik de instellingen voor plaats en straat voor p2000 homey pro

I have been experiencing for a few days now that not every message is properly reflected in my flows. The message is there in the pager, but it does not pick it up in my flow with the selection in my flow cards. This just seems arbitrary. Any idea how I can solve this?

Original post:
Ik ervaar al een paar dagen dat niet elke melding goed door komt in mijn flows.
In de “pager” staat de melding dan wel maar hij pikt hem er niet uit in mijn flow met de selectie in mijn flow-kaartjes. Dit lijkt gewoon willekeur.
Enig idee hoe ik dit kan oplossen?

@Frankdew @Marco0499 Please translate your post to English. This is a English forum topic. Let’s make sure everybody can read along :slight_smile:

I’m sorry
Is there a way i can contact you in private/dutch? :sweat_smile:

You can, but I’m not the maintainer of this app :wink:

Do you have a screenshot of your flow?