[APP][Pro] Amber Alert for Homey

Amber Alert for Homey

This app gives Homey the ability to respond to messages of the Dutch Amber Alerts. Keep in mind that all messages send on this network are in Dutch.

Currently has support for:

  • :speech_balloon: Get Amber Alert (only country The Netherlands) with trigger card
  • :speech_balloon: Realtime notifications
  • :white_check_mark: Tags; Title, discripstion, image, location, area, messageID and status

Download in the Homey App Store!

:gear: Install this app on your Homey and after that create a flow with the trigger and an action card. The app automatically triggers as soon as a new Amber Alert is sent out.

:speech_balloon: Supported languages:

  • :uk: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch

:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below 👇🏻 or just open the pull down.


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