[APP][Pro][Cloud] Govee

@AnnikaMorck and @jacob.woetmann I added the device I think its the same as the one requested by @Thilo
His request included the product page etc so easier to get the required graphics for the devices.
I hope they work for you both.
See version 1.5 for this support. Else the 1.4 version included a new unknown device you can try.

@Javaan I would love to add it, just making the svg graphics is a lot of work. So I wont in the known device list until I decide to buy one of these things myself :wink:
You can now use 1.5 that is in the Test (or wait for it to be released) to add it as an unknown devices in the Govee app. It should support all standard light functions.

Thanks for adding the Glide Hexa! :+1:

Somehow after the latest update 1.5, I get an object response message, and automation is not working. After a few times reboot app and/or refill api key it starts working again. But it stops working every day again…

Are there more who recognize this? Or any tips for solution?

I will try to look into this, I have weird behavior myself. Seems api related and since it happens irregular i think its restrictions thats causing it.
If you see the error please send me a crash report as soon as you get the error

Thanks for the quick response, now it is working again, but I will send you an diagnostic report when I encounter it again👍🏻

I notice that it always stops working in the beginning of the evening, during the day it seems responding.

I just send you my diagnostic report

@Mole @Anders_Gunnarsson
So I looked into your issues with the object reference issue.
It is indeed the rate limiting. The Limit per device is nice, 10 per minute, each 6 secs.
But they also have a 10k limit for the eniter API key per day. And if I poll my 4 devices each 30 seconds (as it was hardcoded) I end up on a day cound of 11.5 K, add some other calls, like changing states and I am already way over.
So people with many devices will run into problems with these limits :frowning:

@everyone A 1.5.1 has just been released. It holds a bug fix for some devices that do not following the API documentation and caused on error on the dim levels. Its now bypassed.
I also made the polling interval a setting in the app. This allows you to manage the API rate limits.
Per day you are allowed to interact (get device state, change device state etc) max of 10.000 times. That means you have to do some math, if you have 4 devices the bottom limit of 60 seconds (value 60000) should work for a full day. But if you have more than that, you will have to increase the polling interval. Unfortunatly this will result in delays if your device changes state by the govee app or by manual actions before you see them in Homey.

Happy automating :slight_smile:

Thanks for looking into it, and finding the issue!

I have indeed more then 4 devices, I will take a look at the polling interval.

I see now that I added 4 to homey, so with the standard 60000 it seems working again👌🏻

(post deleted by author)

Any chance the Govee App will be available for the Homey Bridge as well?

Not that i can foresee.
It requires a verified dveloper account.

It costs €199 and you need to be an official company for it. I am not willing to pay nor link my company to it or set one up for it.

I just got a Govee Lyra H6072. When I install the app on Homey it does allow me to add Govee devices and I see the option to add the Lyra H6072.

Diagnostic: daf156e6-a03f-4930-82a7-555512edfc58

however when I try to add the device I get the message [object Response] and I cannot chose any device, just close the screen

Anyone that can respond ??

Its probably a bug, and ill put it my check list when i work on the app again

Hi Kaoh

thank you for your response. appreciate your support. keen to hear when you expect an update. Cheers

Hi Koah,
I am very keen to see if we can get it going. its worth some $$ for me if it could be fixed.

I dont take donations nor bribes :blush:.

Time is just a really limited resource for me.

damn :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hi. Can you add T2 pretty please? Govee Envisual TV Backlight T2 – EU-GOVEE