[APP][Pro] Broadlink App

RM Pro Plus and flow cards are working. Just made a simple flow and the learned commands are received by a IR device.

Looking good.

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Can you please test 3.1.4 - Broadlink | Homey ?

Version 3.1.4 ā€” Improved logging for SP1/SP2, fixes for SP1/SP2 + specific payloads for 0x5f36 / RM Mini 3 Red Bean

Not sure this will work but that Red Bean does seems to require also different payloads.

:+1: Will test it tonight.


Hello, I successfully added my RM Mini 3, but when I send Learn IR command it gives me the following message:
IR learning failed: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ā€˜enter_learningā€™)

Can you enable diag and send diag. report ?

Apps ā†’ Broadlink ā†’ settings ā†’ App settings ā†’ LOG MODE - restart app / perform action which has problem ā†’ go back to Broadlink app, settings and send CREATE DIAGNOSTIC REPORT - > add description, eg. getting error : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ā€˜enter_learningā€™)

Also please ensure you are always on latest version.

diagnostic report code: e0c42b53-653b-4f3c-9919-1f1ba8c50268

You have both RM3 Mini and RM3 Mini RedBean ?

Can you test Broadlink | Homey ?

Version 3.1.7 ā€” Another RM3 Mini driver adjustment for Red Bean

Ik get this error with RM3 mini (red) if I touch learning:



Thanks for the test version! When I push learn it shows some error about ā€œspeechā€ I know the new homey donā€™t have any speaker, so I donā€™t know how to get in the learning modeā€¦ help :face_with_peeking_eye:

Because the app was already abandoned on HP19, and no one in the community decided to update the app to the new SDK. And also because Broadlink does not seem to intend support from their end.

Enable diag in the settings, repeat the action and send me diag. report. I know where to fix it just would like to see the details - will address it till weekend

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Well, please read above :laughing:


I noticed after replying indeedā€¦ but thanks!

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Done! :blush:

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Good day community. Thanks to all for the efforts in adding Broadlink to Homey pro 2023. I have a RM Pro 4 that Iā€™m trying to add to the app with no success. When I add the IP address it just says discovering device. Nothing happens, nothing gets added. What am I missing? Please help

fkmeland tried also to do update for RM4 Mini and Pro, however based on his statement, the authentication fails, so even itā€™s available, most probably will not work and I do not have this device myself - havenā€™t looked on it yet, maybe in next weeks, still feel free to send debugs whenever you try to interact with RM4.

Ok. I will continue with my attempts to add the device. If I can get it added I will send debugs if able to interact with it. Hopefully in the coming weeks there will be more progress. One other question when adding the device it mentions something about configuring the device on the e-control app. Is that just the broadlink app itself? Whatā€™s there to configure if any. Thanks again @Sharkys

Can you test new version ? I hope it shall still talk on older versions of Homey, on new one it will interact via Warnings (not sure itā€™s the best method but better then nothing)ā€¦

The new test version broke it for me :frowning:
and can not add it again.


Sorry, fixed in 3.1.14

Note - always send diag. report after enabling in the app settings,so I can see what went wrongā€¦