[APP][Pro] Blueriiot - Blue Connect

An app for connecting Blueriiots Blue Connect devices.


Please let me know if you think someting is missing.


In the guidelines you are referring to there is, under the section “icons”, a link to A GitHub repository to request these icons.

@Ivo_Derksen will make them beautifully and in no time and they’ll be complying to the latest Athom internal standards…

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I have been looking for something like this. I understand this works on either BLE or Wifi. With the last one you need a separate device too, right?

Could you advise a little bit more on what type of device you are using?

Hi Martijn,

If we don’t distinguish between pools with saltwater chlorinator and “normal pools where you add chlorine”, there are two versions:

  • One that uses the sigfox network to send data to Blueriiots servers. This also has a bluetooth interface that can be used from a mobile phone and the decicated app. It is possible to add a wifi-extender that connects to your local wifi if Sigfox coverage is not good where you live.
  • One that CANNOT connect to the Sigfox network. This version (wite) you connect to using bluetooth from your mobile phone to do a on demand reading. To be honest I’m not sure, but I think this could also be used with the wifi extender.

I do not plan to implement a bluetooth interface. To make this work, the data need to be at the central servers.

Did this answer your question?

@Ivo_Derksen will make them beautifully and in no time and they’ll be complying to the latest Athom internal standards…

Thanks. I have uploaded som material now. Let’s se what comes out of it.

I would be very interested in this App. I was using my pool analyzer with homey/IFTTT to control my headpump, filter and salt
Insulator. Since the support of IFTTT dropped all automations became useless. If you need any early stage Beta-testers I would live to sign up

@ubram: You are more than welcome to test the app once approved by Athom. I hope it will be there in a day or two. I will post here when the app is published. Keep your eyes open.


Now there is a publicly availiable version in test:


I installed the test version without problems.
I implemented a flow to update my virtual thermostat which looks like working now! (The thermostat controls te heat pump with a Fibaro plug).

I do the same trick with the salt insulator. To implement this I need actions on the ORP levels, which are not yet implemented in this version.

Great work! I let you know if I run into some issues

Flow triggers for ORP, pH and salinity (if salt pool) is on the way. Soon, I hope.

Thanks for reporting!

New version in test.

  • Added guidance action info.
  • Added salinity measurement.
  • New sensor icons.
  • Added flows for changed/above/below for pH and ORP.
  • Added flows for new measurements and new guidance actions.
  • Added state sensors for pH, ORP, conductivity.

Please help me test the flows. That is really hard as things move so slow.

New app in test: Blueriiot Blue Connect | Homey

Just wanna say thank you for this great app! Connected my blue connect without issues and it reads all variables correctly.

One question - is it possible to ask Google something like “hur många grader är ”blue”/ how many degrees in “blue”?

Keep up the great work :slightly_smiling_face:

As the device has a standard temp capability, I guess it is possible to ask that question if the integration between Homey and Google supports it. I haven’t tried it myself.

Thanks for your kind words!

Hello thank you for a Great app!!! Been hoping someone made an app for this in homey.

I have tried the new version and it works brilliantly.

I asked in Facebook for the ability to create a Flow that pushed a notice to me when a new measurement was reported from blueriiot.
I have tried the function now and it works flawlessly.

At this time i only have minor spelling suggestions for the app.

I would suggest changing
Measurement time to last measurement
Temperatur to Temperature

In The when card setup for flows
Temperatur becomes greater = Temperature goes above
Assign a tagg (Temperature value) to this also

Temperatur becomes less than = Temperature goes below
Assign a tagg (Temperature value) to this also.

Temperaturen ändrades = Temperature changed

Also tagg temperatur should be changed to Temperature value

All this to make it more streamlined and look similar to other values.

My five cents…

Again hat off to ya… thank you for taking the time to do this app.

Thanks, Alexander!

The problem with temperature beeing partly in Swedish and partly in English is because it is a built in capability. Therefore I have no control over it. Your Homey is set to Swedish and therefore Homey translates this capability. However, it is not fully translated by Athom and therefore some of the temerature flows are in English.

In a few days I will likely add translation support, and then you can run the app almost fully in Swedish, but until Athom translates the “becomes greater” that will still be in English. :frowning:

Last measurement is implemented and will be published with the next version.

I appreciate any contributions and suggestions. Thanks.

Ok, Did some testing and it doesn’t seem the google home app picks up the blue connect device when syncing between homey and google home, as it does with my bulbs, Sonos devices etc. So when using “hey google - what’s blue temperature” it doesn’t recognize the device. Oh well, maybe it will someday :slight_smile:

Ok. I will do some investigation.

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Now there is a new version live, with LOTS of new features. Please report if it works well or not.

Change list:

  • Added guidance action info.
  • Added alarm for pool need attention.
  • Added salinity measurement.
  • New sensor icons.
  • Added flows for changed/above/below for pH and ORP.
  • Added flows for new measurements and new guidance actions.
  • Added flow for pool needs atteontion.
  • Added state sensors for pH, ORP, conductivity.
  • Bugfix: Waiting for values to be set before using them.
  • Bugfix: corrected above/below flows.
  • Bugfix: moved runlisteners to driver.
  • Bugfix: removed development code for changing sensor order.
  • Bugfix: guidance update adjustment.

It seems that Homey does not export temperatures when connecting to Google.

I suggest that you suggest it here: Ideas & Suggestions

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Thanks for investigating, I will have a look at the link you suggested. I do wonder though- why the blue isn’t transferred over to google home as an device just as my bulbs, Sonos etc. Is it just one way ie if google don’t support/have riiotlabs as a approved device vendor it won’t let it show up in google home even if homey shows it just fine? Just a speculation on my side :slight_smile: