We love new ideas! Share your ideas and suggestions here to discuss with fellow community members.
This is an open forum where all ideas and suggestions Homey related or not can be shared and discussed.
Please ensure that any replies are positive, constructive and collaborative.
Ideas can be sent through to Athom using the support request form at any time, but ideally refined, well thought out ideas which community approve of are submitted.
People should feel welcome to discuss and refine ideas and suggestions upon this board.
I would like to suggest a feature for your app. It would be fantastic to have a visual floor plan feature where users can map out their home layout. This floor plan could include interactive buttons for each room, allowing users to control their smart devices directly from the map. This feature would greatly enhance the user experience for managing smart homes.
The energy tab look promising. One simple feature request having an all electric house is to have the option to disable the Gas meter section as a whole as it is of no use and only taking up space.