[APP][Pro] Blueriiot - Blue Connect

The link was not the one I was looking for, sorry. But at least the feature request form was there. I will se if I can find the correct forum topic later.

I don’t use google Assistant, but maybe my solution will also work for you:
I made a virtual thermostat (Virtual Devices App) and update the value of the current temperature with the readings from the blue connect.

In combination with homeyKit I see the Virtual Device now as a thermostat that shows the current and the target temperature and I can also interact with Siri.

If you don’t wanna use a full thermostat you can also choose a Virtual Device called Sensor with the capability of measuring temperature

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I read on the review page that someone is using google home to ask the temperature, I wonder how.

@LosKings: I have asked that user. Hopefully he will reply here.

I actually got it to work but I had to change language from Swedish to English. As I understand it using Swedish to talk to the blue isn’t supported.

1 - change language in google home/assistant.
2 - ask the google home mini “I would like to talk to blue connect”
3 - it Will reply that the blue connect isn’t connected and asks if it’s ok to continue config on your phone.
4 - in google home app a link will show up asking you to log on blue connect and then it’s linked and you can start asking stuff (in English tho).

Edit - you can use both Swedish and English language at the same time although it’s a “beta” feature to use two languages at the same time.

Edit 2:
This feature doesn’t seem to interact with the homey at all so talking to google and asking blue connect stuff doesn’t require a homey.

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Hi Fredrik and LosKings.
What I did to ask the temperature using Google Assistant;

  1. First of all, in Homey, create a flow which starts with “if this flow starts”, then, using Google TTS app, say ‘which device you want to say it’, normal speech, volume, the temperature of my swimming pool is ‘variable temperature of your BlueConnect’. You can push the test button to check if your flow is working correctly.

  2. Mark this flow as a favorite one in the Homey app. You can do this in the startpage and then choosing the settings icons next to favorite flows. Doing this makes the flow visible in Google Assistant.

  3. Go to Google Assistant (Google Home). I assume you’ve already connected Homey to your Google Assistant. Go to Routines and add one by choosing the + sign. Then start your routine by a speech command. Enter for example ‘What’s the temperature of my pool’. Choose add an action - Smarthome devices - Scenes, and here, your flow you’ve created earlier in Homey and you added to favorites should be visible. If it isn’t, most probably, you did not synchronise devices between Homey and Google Assistant already. You can do this by saying: Hey Google, synchronise all devices. Give it a little time when Google confirms your command.

Some words in English could be a little bit different as I’m working mostly in the dutch versions of the app…
Good luck! Let me know if this works for you!


Hey there!

It worked!! Thank you so much for the instructions :slight_smile:

Well done!
I’ve finished trying to do this in another way, the way ubram proposed here. Using a virtual thermostat is even easier as this thermostat is recognised in Google automatically. And as a result, you don’t need to use routines in Google. Advantage is also that the device on which you are asking the information will be the device responding.

Hello again Fredrik.

Thank you again for this app it just gets better and better.

I would like to ask if it is possible to get the value of what type of measurement tigger was made. I.e. If measurement was made by Bluetooth connection or via the sigfox network or something else.

Thank you again

@Alexander_Nyman: That is possible. I will put it on the todo-list (Todo list ¡ fpalsson/com.fp.blueconnect Wiki ¡ GitHub), and do the implementation a day when the weather is bad :slight_smile:

Hi @Fredrik_Palsson, I was looking to purchase a Blue Connect device for my pool. However I’m stuck deciding whether I should go for the Go or Plus device. The Plus ofcourse has everything, but if I could combine the Go with the Wifi extender and use it with Homey I have most features for almost half the price.

The only problem I see here is that their website states that even with Wifi, measurements are only available upon request for the Go variant, whereas the Plus fetches this automatically.

So, my question is does this app support requesting a new measurement via Wifi? And if not, do you think it is possible to add this?

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Hi @remy561, I do not think it is possible to trigger a new measurement from this app. I might be wrong, but I will try to explain what I know or think I know.

With the Plus version, using Sigfox (the device setup I have) new manual measurements are made by triggering the unit via Bluetooth and using the app to send data to Blueriiot. I do believe all manual measurements are made by triggering via Bluetooth (from the app on the mobile). If I am correct on this, it would be hard to trigger measurements from Homey on any version no matter if Wifi extender or not is used. Homey can likely simulate the commands using bluetooth, but the range between your Homey and the Blue device would make this an issue.

If I indeed is wrong, and triggering is done via the internet and through the extender, it would likely be possible to find out how this is done by sniffing the local network, and replicate these commands.

So to summarize:

  1. If triggering is always done by bluetooth, it might be possible to implement, but it will be hard and not likely stable due to range.
  2. If triggering can be done using wifi, it might be possible to implement this from my app. It would require some reverse enginerring and network sniffing.

If any user out there can give more info on this, please share.

Otherwise, I suggest that @remy561 asks Blueriiot support if it is possible to trigger measurements not using bluetooth. Mask the question by saying you want to trigger it from work or something like that.

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Yeah the Bluetooth range is pretty bad if I read reviews around the web. So no need to try option 1.

As for option 2, I’ve asked their support whether the Wifi extender can be used to trigger measurements from the couch. Let’s see what they respond.

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Their response:

Hello Remy,

The Extender is a Wi-Fi gateway that allows you to use the analyzer with your Wi-Fi when you are not covered by the Sigfox network.

If you have a Premium subscription (included in Blue Connect Plus), up to 20 measurements will be processed per day, approximately every 72 minutes, either through Sigfox or from the Blue Extender.

No additional measurement can be taken through Extender nor Sigfox.

Instant measurements can only be taken manually through Bluetooth.

If you have any doubt please don’t hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards,

Blueriiot team

So you were right. There is no way to do manual measurements outside of using Bluetooth. The Wifi extender is just a replacement for SigFox and doesn’t add any other functionality.

Then I just need to choose if I go for the ‘Go’ variant + subscription, or just go for the ‘Plus’ variant immediately.

Out of curiosity, what is the cost for subscription?

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I asked them the exact same question an hour ago :smiley: . No answer yet.

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Got a response:

Hello Remy,

The Blueriiot Premium subscription price is 6,99€/month or 49,99€/year.

It can be purchased directly in the app in Settings > My Blue Connect > Blueriiot Premium.

Kind regards.

Quite expensive if you ask me.
Guess I’ll be going for the plus variant.

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Thanks for the info.

Good luck. I hope it serves you well!

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Am I correct to understand the Plus device roughly costs 400 euro? It seems a bit high for a summer only swimming pool…

@Martijn_Hoogenbosch: That price seems about right.

As a pool owner I do this calculation:
Building a pool without any special extras: 50 000 Euro.
Yearly cost for heating (varies a lot, depending on situation, location and so on): 0-1500 Euro
Yearly cost for pump 6 months: approx 300 Euro.
Yearly cost for chemicals 6 months: 100-200 Euro.
Time spent on analysing water without a Blue Connect: 1 hour per month/6 hours per year.
Yearly maintenance cost for Blue Connect (batteries and probes): 15 Euro (divided on life time 2-3 years).
Money saved from using correct amount of chemicals (using Blue Connect): substantial.
Time saved from using Blue Connect): 6 hours per year.
Satisfaction always having pool status at hand: Almost priceless.
Satisfaction from having info from pool in Homey: substantial. :slight_smile:

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