[APP][Pro] Blueriiot - Blue Connect

Hello Fredrik

Again thank you for an amazing job with this app. I hate the fact that i cannot do this programing myself so i really want to express my appreciation for this work.

Can i contribute by sending you a small donation for your work?

Also possibly an issue worth looking into…
I logged in to [Homey Developer Tools] and saw that my username and password are in plain text for my pool. is it possible to scramble the password somehow or have it stored somewhere else?

Regards Alex

@Alexander_Nyman: Thank you for your kind words.

I do believe there is a donation link on the app store page. Donations are of cause not necessary, but on the other hand encouraging. Blueriiot Blue Connect App för Homey | Homey

I do realize there is a small security issue with storing passwords as plain text. Some day with bad weather I will try to fix this. Keep your eyes open for new versions.

There is now a new version in test, hopefully correcting a few problems. Blueriiot Blue Connect | Homey

Hi @Fredrik_Palsson,
Great app! I have a question. It’s not quite clear to me now. How often can a new measurement be taken? I plan to read the temperature of our jacuzzi as often as possible to control the jacuzzi. Is that possible with this app? I read above some things about the 20 times that the data can be fetched with premium. How about that? Could I buy a GO model and get the temperature every 5 minutes for example? Or is that not possible? Thank you very much!

Hi. The app fetches data from Blue Riiot servers every 10 minutes. It cannot influence the rate at which the device sends data to the cloud (AWS). If the device sends data 20 times a day, you will get updates that often (or at most 10 minutes after data was sent by the device). If the device sends data 2 times per day, you will get updates 2 times per day.

Did that anwser your question?

Hi @Fredrik_Palsson,
Thanks for your quick reply. See the screenshot below.
So you need to manually fetch from the app. Standard by Bluetooth, with the bridge by WiFi. So the data won’t refresh itself. When you pay an premium subscription it will update max 20 times a day. So my question is more about the functionallity of you code :slight_smile:. Do you force the update with the THEN card or not? Thanks again!

The app cannot force updates. That COULD possibly be done by implementing the bluetooth protocol that the devices are using. If anyone is interested in doing that, please let me know, I would gladly let this person contribute.


Hi, would it work with the most basic BL version of the device? Blue connect go?

Blue Connect Go de Blueriiot – Gre 73014 – Analyseur d’eau intelligent qui mesure les principaux paramètres de votre piscine ou spa (pH, température, Rédox) https://amzn.eu/d/6YySbT3

I do think the Go version does not trigger measurements by itself. Therefore there will be no updates in the homey app. So the answer is more or less: No I don’t think it will work.

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Hello Homey users.

Is there anyone who has a Blueriiot - Blue Connect Go and who has gone a step further and made flows, scripts or something else that can control a dosing system with 2 dosing pumps?

I have prepared my installation and also bought 2 dosing pumps incl. chemistry. Now I just need a stable and good control of the dosing pumps via the data coming in from the Blueriiot - Blue Connect Go.

Should I be so lucky that there is another or more people who have the same crazy idea as me? :grinning: :upside_down_face:

Best regards, Michael