[App][Pro] Blauberg Vento Fans

First scan of the documentation shows that there is primairy a difference in function codes.
To bad it does not show the correct value of the unit type :frowning: for the Vento Expert units it holds value 2,3 or 4. So now it is going to be a “if not one of these, then use the wifi fan schema”.
It will take some time due to the share project in the basis, and its in typescript, not my most experienced code language. But ill do a fork of it and see if I can make it work. When I got a version ready I hope you are willing to test it for me :slight_smile:

others if you have Vento Expert meter_power capability. Once that one is present it can show in the consumers list. And that should be an all time total.

Thx a lot Kaoh for trying to make it work. I mainly need the basic functions like on-off, fanspeed and after-running period. I defenitely want to test any new version.

Just installed the app and after a bit of trail and error it is now working fine! Thanks for the effort!