[APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - Just some better logic, variable and library management

Indeed it works :wink: Thank you for tip !


Btw, FTP Client is quite interesting app again :wink: works also with Synology FTP hmmm… another app :rofl:

re FTP client, seems that Advanced flows contains more actions compared to standard…


…ticket created :wink: (unless it’s some known limitation)

Indeed, the top 3 flowcards receive stuff, thus have tokens. That is not possible in normal flows, when flowcards have tokens, they can only be used in Advanced Flows.

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Arie I am just starting out with BLL. Is there somewhere that I can read up on ity’s capabilities and syntax?

Hey Peter,

Well, in the App Settings you can find some information.
And more about the coding and expressions in [APP][Pro] Better Logic Library - For Users - Apps - Homey Community Forum.

The expressions are just basic JavaScript with it’s default buildin functions plus a few custom BLL functions.
Coding can be used in supported textarguments and are just expressions within BLL “coding blocks”: {[ expression ]}.

And if you have any more questions, just post them here, and i or other people surely will help with answering them.

When i have time i intend to update the For Users topic with more tutorials, examples and explanations, based on the questions and answers here.

Ok, so I’m going to stay on this thread. My post on the other thread had got me confused as I realised that many of the examples weren’t BLL examples.
In the other thread you said I didn’t need the {{}} brackets. But it looks like from the example above I do need these {} placed around my expression.
So is the correct syntax any mathematically correct expression in {}. E.g. {variable1-variable2}, or {var1*(var2+var3)}

OK, so I don’t need any brackets. With a single set it errors.

Please show the flowcard.
And what error do you get?

This works
Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 4.09.01 pm
This errors
Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 4.09.38 pm

Needs to be double curly brackets, not single.

Indeed, you do not need brackets in the expression cards.

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Reproducable problem: After a Homey (re)start BLL starts with no variables, completely lost all vars. Scary moment, but luckily found a solution: Resetting the app solves the problem, vars are back.

I made a flow which checks 5 minutes after a reboot if the BLL app gives an error, then restarts. This workaround solved my problem, but doesn’t sound as a real solution.

Error report : da70aaa4-3553-42ae-bff7-4fe3b77098c9

My Homey also does that sometimes when restarting. Restart of the BLL app always helps.

I restart Homey about 4 times a year, so cannot say if it happens every time.

Hp2019- or HP2023?

Please update to 3.4.5.
And then: Next time you restart Homey and the variables are empty, please send a diagnostic before restarting BLL.

Homey Pro 2019.

After the BLL update (v3.4.5) the problem didn’t occur. 4 reboot attempts, but BLL starts with all the variables in it.


First of all, thanks for a great app.
Can you please tell me if I can get “how many seconds have passed since the beginning of the day”?

Thank you for the great app!
Can someone help me in making a BLL expression for use in Device Capabilities?
I want to convert seconds to minutes.

@timvdhoorn: check here


Great, thank you!

@Arie_J_Godschalk If I use one of the cards on the picture in the THEN flow the Homey app closes on my tablet.
Homey version
On both my Homey’s. HP19 and HP23

The other card have no problems.

On my phone with the Homey app are no problem, the cards just works fine.

Edit: With the P2000 app I have also a closing Homey screen.
So maybe it is not the BLL app only.

Edit: received version of the Homey app7.3.0.1255. BLL app work again, other apps also.