[APP][Pro] Better Lights for Homey

:bulb:Update v2.0.5

New Live version!


:star2: Overall App Enhancements: Experience an improved Better Lights App with various enhancements aimed at enhancing usability and performance across the board.

With Better Lights, managing your lighting setup becomes a breeze! :bulb: Easily combine three actions into a single flow card, simplifying brightness adjustments, color changes, and toggling on/off. :art: Experience streamlined control and elevate your smart lighting automation with ease! :dizzy:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!


Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

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Why does this need permission to ā€œManage entire Homey?ā€. Generally not keen on installing apps that require this, unless there is a very good reason, especially as this app should only be changing light settings?

This is necessary otherwise the app cannot control your devices (lights).


Hello all,

I appear to have ran into a bug (or I might be doing something wrong, which I am certainly not excluding either)

I am trying to use Better Lights in combination with 4 Ikea Tradfri lights and a Tradfri (soon Vallhorn probably) motion sensor.

The first and last flow turn on the lights, but do just that. They donā€™t change any color or brightness level. They both target single lights.

The middle flow targets an entire zone, and this one does work.

I want the flow to work as the first one. So set the three spots to a certain color and the led strip to another one.

Am I maybe doing something wrong, or have a encoutered a bug?

Kind regards,


Hi @Mark_Jansen can you send me a report please?

Done. Thanks for the quick reply.

1 Like

Hey, this is a very helpful great app, thereā€™s only one feature Iā€™m missing: thatā€™s duration for THEN card settings, i.e. like Dim to 100% over 2 seconds. Itā€™s not available, no ā€“ or did I miss something.



@LRvdLinden just found your app while looking for an easy way to solve this. I was wondering if it might be possible to extend/duplicate some of the cards affecting multiple lights to read something like this:

  • Dim [[light_state]] lights for [[zone]] to [[%]]
  • Set [[light_state]] lights to color [[color]] for [[zone]]
  • etc

With light state being either all (default), turned on or turned off.

Because I think only wanting to influence currently turned on lights in a room for example is a pretty common use case.

Is there already a solution for this question?

Or is it possible to also switch on the lights for a certain sec?

I have IKEA tradfri and iā€™m trying to set a zone to warm white for a zone. I know its 2700K but i donā€™t know what to use in your app? I asked chatgpt what hex color warm white was and i got #FFD966, it was greenā€™ish.
Where can i find explanations for Temperature, Hex color, color and saturation

+1 Great app
I miss zones at all choises. I would love to be able to change dim level and temperature to one or more zones.
If this happens i will ditch my trƄdfri hub.

I have the same ā€˜problemā€™. Trying to build a flow, to cycle thru different scenes (like with wall switches in het HUE app is possible). But the switch goes very un-smooth. Any soluitons by anyone?