[APP][Pro] AwoX - Connected Lighting [deprecated]

Connected Lighting

AwoX is a specialist in connected lighting.
The company has a very wide range of connected lighting products.
These are also sold under the brand EGLO Connect by AwoX

Adjust the RGB color, brightness, set your preferred white temperature and unlock the full potential of your devices through AwoX app on Homey

The app is a Community initiative.
To request additional devices, please use Athom Homey Community Forum.

At this moment only Zigbee is supported for the devices, no Bluetooth.

Until FirmWare 2.3.9, AwoX used one common Zigbee ProductID for multiple types of devices (Dim, Tunable, RGB, E27, GU10, LEDpannels, etc.)
As of Firmware 2.3.12, AwoX is giving different products their own Zigbee ProductID.
Advice: First update the Firmware via the Mobile AwoX App via Bluetooth, otherwise this will cause problems later.

In the Appstore

Test version (if available): AwoX | Homey

Product ID’s:

  • TLSR82xx (Older Firmware)
  • ESMLFzm_w6_Dimm
  • ESMLFzm_w6_TW
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Revision history:

  • App V0.0.8 Deprecate This App! The Official Supported App is Eglo App for Homey | Homey

  • App V0.0.7 (Test) - Updated Zigbee ProductIDs for AwoX Firmware updates v2.3.12

Known Issue:

  • Due to the Product ID Changes AwoX makes with the Firmware Update you probably need to Re-pair your devices.

They also got a LED strip, will this be supported too?

At this moment difficult to say,
as all device I see up till now all have an identical
“modelId”: “TLSR82xx” / “manufacturerName”:“AwoX”
It probably will work.
On the other side I probably underestimated the complexity of a driver to update the status in Homey if the light is changed from BLE from the AwoX App.

Working on a newer driver to let the Bulb give feedback to Homey if you change Dim using the AwoX App but this still has a bug changing the Color or Temperature from the AwoX App.

I am not yet convinced and not going to spend more money on this brand as Eglo wasn’t providing much information on my request.

Bought RGB Awox bulbs.
Got the Awox app for Homwy Pro.
Bulb will not add; reset done twice.
What do I do?

Please use the support links on the app page to ask your Q :wink:
But here you go:


therefore moved.

If you add it through the Homey-> Zigbee it presents itself as Generic Zigbee Device. But RGB colors is NOT working and you can make no flows.

With the Awox plugin you can also make flows and control RGB colors
Thanks to the developer! :muscle:

Hi all,

is it foreseeable when AwoX Bluetooth will be implemented?


Athom told me Eglo is going to develop an own App.
Not sure I will put much effort in the BT part at this moment.

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It seems like Eglo/Awox is starting to push new device ID’s for its devices since new firmwares.
I had Connect z panels connected before I updated firmware in the Awox Bluetooth app.
After a while a panel fell off the network and I needed to re-pair.

Now the same panel is added as a generic device and has a new device Id. The Homey Awox App doesn’t recognize the panel anymore.

Updated other panels and re-paired and the same for these firmware updated panels:

Old paired same panels:

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I see the same here, I have one GU10 RGB , a Dimmable and a couple of Tunable filament.
Although not yet necessary to have an App EGLO announced to Athom they are building an Homey App.

I update the Community App with the IDs I know, just don’t expect to much as AwoX/EGLO isn’t communicating much.

Great! Do I need to re-pair? Update got pushed several minutes ago, but now still as generic Zigbee device and not under the Awox app

Very curious also, what is the “bridge” ??

Yes, unfortunately Homey doesn’t change dynamically, so you need to re-pair to get it under the App.
But it isn’t absolutely necessary if it works for you now as generic Zigbee.

Dear Dijker,

I just bought an Eglo Rovito-Z ceiling lamp, which has both RGB and tunable white lighting too. RGB is on the top side, light the ceiling, and tunable white on the bottom, light the floor.

If I add it in the Homey’s AwoX app as an RGB bulb, it is totally confused, it can’t decide which light should be remoted (because only 1 color changing tab is available). If I add it as Tunable bulb, it only allows to tune the bottom white light, the upper RGB will always stay off.

Do you have any possibilities to update the app to solve this problem?

I will really appreciate it!
Thank you in advance!

Best wishes,
Gergo Varkoly

Hi Gergo,

I guess it is this one? EGLO ROVITO-Z LED ceiling light

Actually that are two lights in one, That is not how the default RGB + TW lights work,
Can you first add it in the AwoX Mobile App and update firmware to the latest, an create screenshots with the model name (And of copy the Model name with Firmware and HW ID )
Then remove it from the AwoX App to rest is, and add it as a generic device to Homey.
Please [Interview] the device using the Developer tools here: Homey Developer Tools
and copy the Result and report it here using the </> Preformatted text formatting.

That should be enough information for a experienced developer,
but that is the only thing I am missing, I am afraid I am not experienced enough but will look what I can do. No promises,
You also could contact Eglo / AwoX to ask for Homey support.
I heard from Athom they are working on an own Homey App and I am not sure if I continue on it if they have a better App (and already they have all the devices, I only added what I have / need :wink: )


You could always test your panels without and with my app, but no warranties as you see above.

Hi Dijker,

You really suprised me with your incredibly fast response. I really appreciate it!

So yes, you linked the exact lamp that I meaning to.
I made the steps, that you asked from me, you can see the results below:

AwoX Mobile app:
EBF-RGB-Zm, Verzió 2.3.4, HW 4.60 (I’m sorry for my app language is Hungarian)

Homey interview from my lamp (added as ageneric device):

  "ids": {
    "modelId": "EBF_RGB_Zm",
    "manufacturerName": "AwoX"
  "endpoints": {
    "endpointDescriptors": [
        "endpointId": 1,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 269,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": [
        "endpointId": 3,
        "applicationProfileId": 4751,
        "applicationDeviceId": 269,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": [
        "endpointId": 242,
        "applicationProfileId": 41440,
        "applicationDeviceId": 97,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 0,
        "inputClusters": [],
        "outputClusters": [
    "endpoints": {
      "1": {
        "clusters": {
          "basic": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "zclVersion"
                "acl": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "appVersion"
                "acl": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "stackVersion"
                "acl": [
                "id": 3,
                "name": "hwVersion"
                "acl": [
                "id": 4,
                "name": "manufacturerName"
                "acl": [
                "id": 5,
                "name": "modelId"
                "acl": [
                "id": 7,
                "name": "powerSource"
                "acl": [
                "id": 8,
                "name": "appProfileVersion"
                "acl": [
                "id": 9
                "acl": [
                "id": 10
                "acl": [
                "id": 16384,
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                "id": 65533,
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            "attributes": [
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                "id": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 1
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                "id": 4
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1
          "onOff": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "onOff",
                "value": true,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "direction": "reported",
                  "attributeDataType": 16,
                  "minInterval": 0,
                  "maxInterval": 30,
                  "status": "SUCCESS"
                "acl": [
                "id": 16384
                "acl": [
                "id": 16385,
                "name": "onTime",
                "value": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 16386,
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                "acl": [
                "id": 16387
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
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                "value": 1
          "levelControl": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "currentLevel",
                "value": 254,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "direction": "reported",
                  "attributeDataType": 32,
                  "minInterval": 0,
                  "maxInterval": 30,
                  "minChange": 0,
                  "status": "SUCCESS"
                "acl": [
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                "name": "remainingTime",
                "value": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 16384
                "acl": [
                "id": 15
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                "id": 65533,
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          "colorControl": {},
          "touchlink": {
            "attributes": [
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                "id": 65533,
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          "time": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0
                "acl": [
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                "id": 16387
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      "3": {
        "clusters": {
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      "242": {
        "clusters": {},
        "bindings": {}

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And one more question:

What do you think, do you see any possibilities to remote the two lights (TW and RGB) totally separated?
I mean like:

  • TW is ON, but RGB is OFF
  • TW is OFF, but RGB is ON
  • TW is ON, but RGB is ON
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