[APP][Pro] Apple Find My

@Bent_Ole_Davidsen same as this post: [APP][Pro] Apple Find My - #57 by martijnpoppen

I’ll make a test version tonight :slight_smile:

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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.0.9):

:exclamation: TIP:
Read the FAQ → [APP][Pro] Apple Find My - #4 by martijnpoppen


1. NEW: add battery status to sensor tab |

1. FIX: add extra logging to debug errors

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Find My - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → (Find My App for Homey | Homey)

@CyberSponk @Bent_Ole_Davidsen see test version above :slight_smile:
Please try iit out and send a new report when you get the error again. This time there should be more in the logs for me to check

@martijnpoppen After updating the app to the test version, all devices (Phone, Watch, AirPod, iPod, iPad) have a battery status of 100% even though some of the devices were still below 50%.

The correct battery level is only displayed once the devices have been connected to the charger. I’m currently observing how the battery indicator changes when the battery slowly runs out.

After running the “Update Device Data” (German: Gerätedaten aktualisieren) card, the other data was updated after a few seconds.

Report: 0350347b-8835-4cb2-9cc6-c9bb2dfed3f6

The default interval is 5, not 0.5 seconds.


@martijnpoppen, even after deactivating the location tracking yesterday, the huge battery consumption has not changed, at least not noticeably. That’s why I had to deactivate the app last night.
I will run a new test and will inform you.

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Thanks for your great app! But i can’t start flows with the If the device start charging card. In my device he says Yes, but the flow doesn’t start.

@DaanV thanks! :slight_smile:

Please send a report after reproducing the issue [APP][Pro] Apple Find My - #3 by martijnpoppen

@DaanV which device is not working as intended?

Hi Martijn,

After login, the device is loading but nothing happened.


@Big_Mike hello :wink:

same as this post: [APP][Pro] Apple Find My - #57 by martijnpoppen

Ok thanks.

@martijnpoppen 25a104ef-d4b1-4bfe-9f1f-003d06a9f0c3

The device is a iPhone 13

I also get stuck and loading. Here is a report from the test version. d6e9dcd7-4f3a-4342-b3a4-df340bac2131

Hi @Sundlof and @Bent_Ole_Davidsen
Can you try to login on Find Devices - Apple iCloud and see if that works?

I’m thinking there might be some terms and agreements you have to enter first

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.0.10):

:exclamation: TIP:
Read the FAQ → [APP][Pro] Apple Find My - #4 by martijnpoppen


1. NEW: add battery status to sensor tab |

1. FIX: add extra logging to debug errors
2. FIX: add more logs to debug API issues

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Find My - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → (Find My App for Homey | Homey)

Hi. I’ve been trying to understand how the app and Apple work together. When things are updated and so on. It look like the update regarding charging and battery status is one step behind, and of cource the battery drain. So when we set update to 10 minutes, it will go 20 before the battery is reported correct. I have set update interval to OFF, and trying to see how this works when I control the update, using CountDown. As reporten in the diagnostic, this did not work for long (1.0.9). When restarting the app, it start working again. Installed 1.0.10 to see. In my test, I send two updates. It is currently set to 1 hour because I also have to get a disant battery drain history first.

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@Espen_H1 Saw you report unfortunately the log was not extensive enough. Therefore I made 1.0.10 hopefully that will give some more insights

please send a new report when you encounter this issue again :slight_smile:

:slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Hi again.
Just sent you two new reports. One after the countdown ended, and one with manual triggering my flow. No updates in the app.
PS: After update to 1.0.10, the app set 300 sec update intervall. Turned OFF. Then I pushed my two command, ref pic, manualy. It worked. Now, 30 mins later, the countdown finished, but could not update.

@martijnpoppen Got it working! Thanks!:blush:

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