Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Does this app work on my Homey?
A1: Homey Pro: YES
A2: Homey (Early 2016): YES
A3: Homey (Early 2018): YES
A4: Homey (Early 2019): YES
A5: Homey (Early 2023): YES
A6: Homey Cloud (Bridge): NO
Q2: Why can’t I pair my AirTags
A1: This app uses the same API as Find Devices - Apple iCloud. Therefore you can only track devices.
Q3: Can I connect multiple Apple ID’s?
A1: Yes! You can add as many as you want.
A2: If you have multiple devices connected to 1 account and if you connect these to Homey, Homey will make sure to only call icloud once for these devices.
Q4: I get emails that somebody logged in to my iCloud
A1: This app uses the same API as Find Devices - Apple iCloud. When you login there you’ll get a email as well.
A2: The app tries to re-use the session as much as possible, but sometimes it has to login again. Then you’ll get a email.
A3: You’ll also get a email when you restart Homey/this app. Then the app has to login again.
A4: Tip: Create a rule in your mailbox for these emails
Q5 I changed my password, do i need to update all my devices?
A1: No only repair 1 device connected to that account. Homey makes sure that all connected devices get updated as well
Q6 Can I get my location in a map/image?
A1: Not with this app, but there’s a nice app for that: MapMyLocation App for Homey | Homey → (Support)
Q7 Is my password stored in Homey?
A1 Yes, your login details are kept in Homey to make sure we can login again once the session expires.
The login is saved in the Device Store and also encrypted
Q8 The battery on my Apple devices is drained quicker
A1 Yes this was also discovered during testing. Due to calling the API everytime the location of your devices is requested.
Requesting a location from your phone is battery heavy.
To mitigate this you can make use of the set server interval flowcard. With this card you can reduce the calls and maybe turn it off at night for example:
Q9 Why does this app work without 2FA?
A1 The Apple Find My website (Find Devices - Apple iCloud) is the only site which doesn’t require a 2FA. So with this app Homey only has access to Find My and can’t login to other services without a 2FA code.
Q10 How to change the interval
A1 There’s a interval flowcard on app level: