[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Anyone have Amazon Basics light switches available as devices using this app? I searched this topic but no luck on these switches specifically so I figured Iā€™d ask. I tried switching the device type from switch to light in the Alexa app, but that didnā€™t work. Any insights would be great. Love the app Jamie.

Hi sorry kinda new here.should the tile show now playing artist, song etc. I donā€™t see anything on the device tile. Even When I long press the now playing info is blank. If I start music by asking Alexa nothing seems to update. I can pause and start from the capabilities screen but no album art or artist info

Hope this makes sense

Hey @Jim_McAtear I just had a look on my system and the images, artists etc have all stopped for me as well ā€¦. It could be that sometime since I last updated the app Amazon have changed how their internal events work.

Iā€™ll check it out when I next work on the app.

Ok thanks.
Is there a way to make an announcement on all of my echo that I have setup.

Yes there is a flow for making an announcement

Hello me again. Sorry is it a card or flow? If flow where do I find it


app code: 2c53d524-ee66-40e0-aaff-055fd299e2fe

First time i setup the app it found most of my kasa switch devices. 71/90 switches to be exact.

I tried to uninstall and re install and it now doesnā€™t see anything at all. Iā€™ve tried to factory reset homie, new Alexa account no success every time now it doesnā€™t see my kasa switches from Alexa. The Alexa app works fine for control on kasa switches.

one more thing to note, when i search for plugs it finds the 6 kasa plugs i have every time. so is it something Iā€™m not doing right with the light switches???

I had a look at the diagnostic @Darrel_Narayan

  "applianceId": "SKILL_***",
  "endpointTypeId": "",
  "driverIdentity": {
    "namespace": "SKILL",
    "identifier": "***"
  "manufacturerName": "TP-LINK",
  "friendlyDescription": "Smart Wi-Fi Light Switch, connected via TP-LINK Kasa",
  "modelName": "",
  "version": "0",
  "friendlyName": "Upper Laundry Fan",
  "friendlyNameModifiedAt": 1708104251181,
  "capabilitiesModifiedAt": 1708104251181,
  "ipAddress": "",
  "port": "",
  "entityId": "ac49e023-6a70-4678-a00d-937327019b5c",
  "applianceNetworkState": {
    "reachability": "REACHABLE",
    "lastSeenAt": 1708113615798,
    "createdAt": 1708104251181,
    "lastSeenDiscoverySessionId": {
      "value": "94e15ec3-****-455f-bcca-b6eaaad762fe"
  "tags": {
    "tagNameToValueSetMap": {}
  "additionalApplianceDetails": {
    "additionalApplianceDetails": {
      "deviceType": "IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH",
      "appServerUrl": "https://use1-wap.tplinkcloud.com",
      "model": "HS200.V2",
      "deviceModel": "HS200(US)",
      "type": "IOTDEVICE",
      "softwareVersion": "1.0.11 Build 230908 Rel.160526"
  "firmwareVersion": "0",
  "actions": [],
  "capabilities": [
      "capabilityType": "AVSInterfaceCapability",
      "type": "AlexaInterface",
      "version": "3",
      "properties": {
        "supported": [
            "name": "powerState"
        "proactivelyReported": true,
        "retrievable": true,
        "readOnly": false
      "interfaceName": "Alexa.PowerController"
      "capabilityType": "AVSInterfaceCapability",
      "type": "AlexaInterface",
      "version": "3",
      "properties": {
        "supported": [
            "name": "connectivity"
        "proactivelyReported": true,
        "retrievable": true,
        "readOnly": false
      "interfaceName": "Alexa.EndpointHealth"
  "applianceTypes": [
  "isEnabled": true,
  "aliases": [],
  "connectedVia": "",
  "customerDefinedDeviceType": "LIGHT",
  "alexaDeviceIdentifierList": [],
  "applianceKey": "ac49e023-****-4678-a00d-937327019b5c",
  "identifiers": {},
  "applianceDriverIdentity": {
    "namespace": "SKILL",
    "identifier": "****"
  "ipaddress": "",
  "applianceLambdaControlled": true,
  "mergedApplianceIds": [

From my end it looks like the device should be showing up, what exaclty happens? If its a white screen with no devices ā€¦ then this is a bug with Homey. Contact support and let them know that the timeout on the pairing screen for the 2023 HomeyPro is shorter then the HP2019 and I have discussed this and it has not been fixed since March 2023.

(Try adding them via the web portal)

If its not a white screen, then sorry im not sure whats going on.

When the new echo Hub 8 will be compatible?

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Hey Jamie,

Iā€™d love to get the Echo hub added onto the test version of your app.

I generated a quick SVG (converted from an image) for the device and Iā€™m happy to jump on a quick video call to get you whatever device IDs you need to register it.

I installed Amazon Alexa APP. Iā€™m trying to add an Alexa device without result. As soon as I choose a device, Iā€™m asked to log to my Amazon profile. When the pop up opens, is very difficult to insert the code, because of continuous refresh, and when the code is inserted a message with paga not found appear.

Any idea?

Hello , i have the same problem

Same here :slight_smile:

I am also having the same issue as the posts above.

Same problem, Page not found :cry:

I had the same issue. Solution: you must go into your Amazon account via web browser and enable 2 factor authentication. I did this and ran it through my Google Authenticator and bam, problem solved. I was then able to integrate all my compatible Echo devices. Use the code that comes through the authenticator app, not the one that Amazon texts to you. Hope this helps.

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Thankyou, this works!

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Hi! Any plans of supporting Echo Show 8 3rd gen? Thanks