[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Hi All,
I have 2 echo dot (5^ generation). There is a plan to integrate also this version?


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Hello Jamie,

Can you support the 2023 devices, like the new Show 8
and add a new class with movement detector, which are linked to the Echo hub, please.

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Hi Jamie
Another question for you. It is possible to get Alexa to ask for yes/no confirmation and then act on that. Eg if temp goes below a level Alexa,would ask to turn on heating ,and then wait for a response back yes/no. A bit like the push notification with confirmation card.

Hope this makes sense

@Jim_McAtear I think the best way to manage that is this

Happy to go into more detail if that doesn’t make sense.

Its something I want to try myself but havent gotten around to as I am about to move out of my smart home.

Thanks Jamie will have look at it
Good luck with the move.


The homey pro Alexa app seems to have worked only once. Since then, it has been unable to find any new devices that have been added. I have tried disabling the skill and re-adding it, no difference.

Is this a common issue? Any workarounds that can be applied?

It’s quite an unfortunate bug as we use Alexa for voice control throughout the home and purchased Homey because of its advertised Alexa compatibility.

The advertised capability is the other direction, this community app enables indeed the announcement capability.
That said, i use the app as part of many of my flows without any disturbance for years now.
I would think you need to check your config on the servers, eu vs au vs us etc. Make sure you have the right ones there. Reauthenticate and try again, make sure you have real mfa enabled in your alexa account before you do.

Help! I can’t connect to any server… I have Homey Pro and added the alexa app. when selecting ‘add device’, choose my server (or any…it’s still the same), I get the pop up to login to my amazon account, enter my details, input the received pin code (too quick) but I keep getting a 404 error. Please help

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See earlier post on setting up mfa on your alexa account, it is required to make it work


Loving this addon!
Just a quick question, is there any chance that Apple Music is in the works for music selection?

figured it out… had to disable passkey on amazon acct, then reenabled 2FA, disabled 2FA, then reenabled 2FA again… and it worked. Thanks muchly

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I cannot use the title, artist and album of the song playing on Alexa because the tags remain empty.

Has anyone encountered this problem ?

For information, the rest works correctly, I can stop the music, move on to the next song, …

I’m on a Homey Pro 2023 and Echo (Gen2)


See here

Hi! will you add echo pop integration? tnx

Hi @Jim_McAtear you can do this using voicemonkey.io (you can use their free tier for this) - I have a few of these working and they have been running solidly for months. You create a flow in voicemonkey which asks a question and then acts on the answer you speak to it. You can then trigger this voicemonkey flow from a Homey flow using the voicemonkey API. Below is a screenshot of one of these flows in voice monkey.

Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 11.47.13

Hi @Jonathan_Draper I’ll have a look at this option.

How do you integrate it with homey flows ?

The voicemonkey service provides a good API so you can easily trigger a voicemonkey flow from Homey by just making a GET request from a Logic card in a Homey flow. You can do the same in reverse with voicemonkey making GET requests as part of its flows into webhooks on Homey. However in practice most of the time what I am getting the voicemonkey flow to do is operate devices which I have Homey publishing to Alexa via the Homey Alexa skill anyway so for those, you can create a routine in Alexa and trigger that routine from your voicemonkey flow using what they call a trigger.

How does your app find the devices? I have quite a few amazon dots but no matter what i try, the app only ever finds one of them (always the same one) they are all on the exact same firmware etc.

Hello, do you plan to support Echo Show 8 (Gen 3)?
If yes, then do you know when?

Thank you for your answer.

I have no plans to update the app any time in the next month, I am currently packing up my house and moving.