[APP] Philips Hue - Transform the way you experience light

I use Hue throughout the house.

Lighting is not managed by turning on or off lightbulbs it is switching between scenes.

But, I cannot find out how to manage scenes or even manage rooms in Homey.

Has anyone any idea on how to access Hue scenes/rooms using Homey I cannot imagine the only way is to set a scene is to tweak every lightbulb in the room, in my lounge I have 12 lights alone.

@Busta999 Scenes in the Hue app (on your phone / pad) is your friend. I’m just in the process of controlling about 120 hue lights inside, outside, three floors, and from three bridges like this myself. You need to make the scenes in the Hue app, and link them to the actions in Homey. For your lounge, make a scene for “Lounge evening” or whatever in the Hue app, and use that in your flow card in Homey. Like WHEN Lounge is active, AND it is evening, THEN activate “Lounge evening” scene from the Hue app. This works 1000% better than managing the lights through Homey.


Perfect thanks, I just found 20 Read scenes etc, have gone through the rooms updating Hue App Scene names to include the room as well.

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Exactly this. It works far better than anything else.

Its a big mssing feature that we cant add a group/room to Homey as a light device. That would solve a lot of problems. I also use the scenes for most of my controlling, some exceptions, for example blinking a light when the garagedoor is moving. But those are triggered only on a limited scenario.

If I try to controll my hue bulbs via homey I get a ‘missing capabality listener: onoff’ error. So my flows do not work with an on/off card.

I’m on v5.7.6

For this type of scenario I use Text Variables to act as memory for the Hue Scene, best method I’ve found so far for controlling nearly 100 Hue lights via Hue Hub.

But then it still uses individual calls the the bridge(s) right? The group as a device would result in one polling call vs 10 for my bathroom for example.

It sends one call to the bridge which then sorts however many lights are in the scene programmed in the Hue bridge. The Hue zigbee uses a proprietary version of zigbee, not just any zigbee device use it, and it seems to be far more efficient at communicating with the lights than using Homeys own zigbee system. So as I understand it, if using Hue scenes that you have created within the Hue phone app, not Homey, Homey just sends one command to Hue, not 10 for your bathroom. I suppose in effect the “group as a device” is done in the Hue hub

I understand what you’re asking but I’m fairly sure that that would require Philips Hue to change and not Homey.

I’ve got mixed up in these threads before, but this thread is the one for those NOT using the Hue Hub. And Hue works far better via the Hue Hub. Even better is that you can have several Hue Hubs syncing to Homey whereas in the Hue phone app you have to change between hubs when you have enough devices to warrant more than one hub. I have 2 hubs, soon to be a third, both at near max capacity and using Homey to trigger scenes via Hue Hub works flawlessly

Yes it is. The thread for the app that doesn’t use the hub is here.


ok, going out on a limb here, proprietary was the wrong word :man_facepalming:
I have zigbee devices that are not seen and cannot be paired with Philips Hue Hub, as far as I know the only onles that can be, outside the Philips Hue ecosystem are ones that are approved Friends Of Hue devices

There are plenty of Zigbee devices that Homey also can’t pair with (or it will pair and yield an unusable device). Like Homey, the Hue hub simply isn’t a generic Zigbee hub, it will only pair with devices it knows it can handle. There’s nothing proprietary about that (FWIW, I know that LIDL Zigbee devices mostly work with the Hue hub, as do IKEA devices; not all of them, but lightbulbs are generally well supported).

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Homey seems to at least see the devices, but I absolutely get and accept your point though

I deinstalled, reinstalled the hue app and had this error too. Seems if you add too much devices, some end up with this error. Just delete and add those faulty devices again (I havent tried a repair, because they were too much)

But I have another major issue with the hue app on homey:
CCT bulbs (Ledvance) via hue hub can be turned on and off without issues, but RGBCCT (different models) have issues and turn themselves on again directly after I turn them off
I have the same issue with a homey “turn all Lamps off” flow chart. No issues with the hue chart and no issues when I want to change the light color or dim lvl via homey.
As a workaround I set a hue flow chart after the generic homey “turn off” chart

Anyone using the Tap Dial Switch?
It does not seem to be possible to use the “dial” function of the unit. I could only track clicks on the 4 buttons.
Anyone else found a way?

I got the following answer from the Athom support:
"At this moment during a limitation in the API from Hue we couldn’t implement the dial ring function yet. It a big wish as-well on our set to get this feature working. We hope to be able to do so in the beginning of next year. "

Interesting, as support for those events was added to Home Assistant back in August.

I think Athom means “how we have implemented the API into Homey, it is impossible to implement”.
If they still poll all sensors then I can think it being kinda difficult to implement.

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