[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

There is: Tuya App for Homey | Homey

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Sorry, my bad. I wasn’t aware of this one!

multiple reasons NOT to use a official app based on a cloud connection.

  1. Does not work without internet due to cloud connections required by the official app.
  2. Does give out data to second and thrid parties.
  3. Stability issues due to latency for cloud connections.
  4. Bad security for in and outgoing connections to a chinese server.
  5. If the cloud shuts down or the manufacture wants it, the products is useless, regardless of who purchased and owns it.

Thanks for confirming that Athom is a top nutch company!.

Some business, have been seen over time to shift in moral and belives for the pursuit of profit. Thanks for confirming, that is NOT the case with Athom.

I belived so hard on Athom and the Homey platform in 2016 when i joind the platform and i still does. Homey has a bright future to become the leeding consumer smarthome platform in the world, and i very happy to be a part of that journey.

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As mentioned above your reply: I wasn’t aware of the Homey app for Tuya that runs locally. I am just using the Tuya Cloud app that a lot of people are using.
My apologies

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But accordingly to the info in this app; not a lot of devices are supported (meaning the not-cloud version).So the app is not a good replacement for the cloud-version (??).

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No needs to apologise at all, we are all here to learn and exchange knowledge and ideas for the greater good of the platform and our smarthomes. :slight_smile:

Hey, any news about the oficial Tuya App?

The AMA we did yesterday is a great recommendation, we might have dropped some hints :wink:


and asked chatGPT for some help :wink:

The video “Ten years of Homey — Ask Me Anything” on YouTube mentions Tuya cloud integration. Around the 29-minute mark, the presenter discusses the current state and future plans for integrating Tuya devices with Homey, highlighting improvements and potential enhancements in the integration process. They also address user questions about compatibility and the benefits of this integration for smart home setups. For more detailed information, you can watch the specific segment in the video here.


I felt free to test the first alpha release of the


It works fine so far :smiley:, only my PIR sensors say ‘detected’ all the time.
It’s very new, bugs are to be expected.

If you like to test, and and if you think testing is useful: The first version of the Tuya app by Athom is available, and can be installed with the CLI:
Issues can be reported here: https://github.com/athombv/com.tuya/issues

You don’t know what CLI is? Just wait for the app to appear @ the app store https://homey.app/a/com.tuya ( → link is dead until the app is available).

After installing the app

When you want to add the first Tuya device, you’ll be asked to authenticate. So no app settings ‘hassle’.

Next to email/password logon, you can login by scanning a shown QR code from either TuyaSmart or SmartLife mobile app :pray:
(It’s smart to start by using the web app, so you can scan the QR with your phone)

First available device types:

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Please take note: This is an alpha version of the Tuya app for Homey. So there’s a good chance you’ll find bugs. Of course, feel free to report those when you do find them.



I installed it and when I try to login it gets stuck at this step:

Just wanted to let you know.

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I like this addition! :slight_smile:
Hope Athom will manage expections and roll out a time line

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To continue, you need to tick the V I guess :grimacing:

How do I missed that?!

Thanks @Peter_Kawa

App works. Here are some differences between Tuya cloud and this app for now.
Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 20.28.23

Yeah, I knew, because I got two apps presented, TuyaSmart and SmartLife, and I had to tick one box :grimacing::grimacing:
So I concluded from your screenshot you should tick the box even when there’s nothing to choose.
If you want to help fixing things, please create a new issue at the github page I linked to, and share your findings :+1:

Hi Abe @Doekse ,

How nice to see you live ‘on air’ the other day. Great job.

[Request now moved to github request]

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Hope the roller blinde will also being added roller shutter (have 4 of them)

I have 4 ceiling fans I’d like to add - any chance we can add the drivers/devices to the app and if they work, submit them as PRs to the project?

That certainly is possible, you can do that through the GitHub page :wink: